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"Vi wake up"! I open my eyes and see Ruby standing over top of me. "Where's Clem"? Ruby smiles, "don't Vi worry she's outside teaching the other kids how to shoot a gun". "Shoot with what we don't have any bullets"? "Well, we do now Mitch made some, come on your girlfriend wanted to talk to you". I follow Ruby out of the dorms and into the courtyard. "Damn it"! I hear Louis's voice echo throughout the yard. I look over and see Clem's helping him work on his aim.  I sneak up behind her my arms wrap around her waist, "Good morning lover, you sleep alright"? Clem spins around and pulls me in for a kiss, everyone just stares at us. Uh, how is this helping me learn? Louis asks sarcastically, I flipped him the bird and finished kissing Clem. "So is this why you wanted to see me?" I chuckle softly. "Actually, Vi, I wanted to ask you if I could teach Tenn how to use a gun". "Uh yeah sure go ahead, Clem. Thanks, Vi Tenn says joining us with Aj at his side. I let you get back to it, I give Clem a quick peck on the lips before Aasim and I went out to check the traps. 

everything was dead silent, we didn't say a word for at least ten minutes, Aasim broke the awkward silence with a personal question. "So how are things going with Clem"? I shot him an annoyed look, "what do you mean"? "You know have you two"- "Why do you...did Louis put you up this"? I felt that was a reasonable thing to ask considering Louis was always so damn nosey.     Aasim took a few minutes to respond. "No, he didn't, I was just curious if you two had gotten physically intimate yet". I took a few deep breaths to calm myself, I open my eyes and Aasim just standing there waiting. I motion for us to keep moving before speaking up. "Yeah, we've slept together a few times now it's nice connecting with-" "I wouldn't know, I've never had...  gotten close to someone like that", Aasim frowned. I'm not really the comforting type, I just stood there not sure what to say. "Uh... let's just get this shit done, it's getting cold".

We brought back a haul of about eight rabbits, to go with the rice we found at the train station. Clem was just finishing up training with Omar. I placed the rabbits down by the fire, making my way over to her. Clem greets me with a smile, "so how goes the training.. you think we have a chance"? Yeah, I think a few more days and they'll be ready to give those raiders hell. "That's good, we should have enough food to last us a few weeks if ration it carefully". "So uh how'd Tenn do?" "He seemed pretty eager to learn"- "Yeah I thought so too but when it came time to pull the trigger he froze up". "Shit if Tenn isn't willing to pull the trigger when we are just shooting at cans, then what'll happen if we're attacked and he only has a second to react, that moment of hesitation could get him killed". I thought to myself. "Vi, do you wanna talk to him about it"? "Uh sure, I mean where's he at right now"? Clem looked over towards the dorms, "he's in your room coloring with Aj". "Come on we can go..." I pull Clem in for a hug as she starts walking towards the dorms. "How about you give me a little... training instead", I move my hands around Clem's so she'd get my implication.

Clem took my hand guiding me into the greenhouse, once inside she locked the door behind us. We wasted no time getting undressed striping down to just our socks. Clem took charge her lips pressing against mine arms around my neck. I leaned in kissing her back sliding my tongue in her mouth. Our tounges moved in small circles around another, kinda like they were dancing.      We pulled away gasping for air. What Clem and I have feels so real and every time I kiss her I get butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't imagine what my life would be like without Clem in it. Clem made her move sliding her hand down my stomach towards my lips. I grabbed her hand bring back up to my face before things escalated. "Something wrong Vi"? "No, it's just... I've been thinking what if something happened to you because of me. Well, I'd never forgive myself. I sat down with Clem nestled up next to me. "I really care about you Clem,  and I just"- Clem put her thumb on my chin so I'd look at her. "Vi, I'm not going anywhere... I'd never leave you or Aj you're my family now". Clem gave me a reassuring kiss, her soft lips sent a warmth through my body. We laid there cuddled up together nothing but the heat rising our bodies to keep us warm. We watched the sunset while we waited for dinner to be ready.

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