Stress Relief

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"Because he's a little fucking kid Mitch, it's not Aj's fault"! These were the words I heard as I awoke. "I don't give a fuck I'm taking his piss sheets anywhere, Mitch said. "I just need your help please just"- "Forget it, Clem", Mitch yelled storming off. "Goddamnit", Clem whisper yelled interning our bedroom. Clem smiled when she saw I was awake. "Sorry, Vi didn't mean to wake you"! As long as I got to see Clem's beautiful face I wouldn't mind being woken up every hour. What's going on babe you seem really stressed, I asked her? Clem sat her self down beside me.  "It's just everything been hell for the last week"! What'd mean Clem, I asked her? "The other kid's arguing on and off, Aj's little nightmare incident last night and this morning Aasim fucken sprained his ankle, and if Louis and he can't get food breakfast and reset the traps then"- Clem was interrupted by the soft kiss I planted on her lips. She leaned in deepening the kiss, Clem slid her tongue into my mouth. "Mmm", I moan in approval, I laid her out on our bed. I stripped her head to toe until Clem was in nothing but her underwear. Clem was in much need of stress relief and I knew how I could help her release it all. I climbed on top of her rubbing my womanhood up hers. Clem moaned out my name rather loudly as I continued grinding against her. Clem lifted herself up wrapping her arms around me moving her hips in a similar motion as mine while proceeding to nip and suck along my neck. Mmm Clem! I moaned out losing my mind, I wanted to feel her moist skin brush up against mine. "Clem I want- I felt Clem slide her in my underwear caressing my clit with her fingers. "Oh my God yes... Don't stop" I moaned loudly as Clem moved several fingers up inside me. "I'm just getting started love", she whispered softly in my ear. I licked the tip of my fingers before sliding them down her vulva and deep inside her vagina. "Ohh God har"- Clem struggled to moan out as we both were near Climaxing. With every thrust of our hips, more Cream and fluid dripped down our wrist. Until both had completely ridden out our orgasm. I fell beside her on the bed completely exhausted. With both of us satisfied we curled up together staring into each other's eyes. "You so beautiful Clem, I said. "You're pretty hot yourself Vi", Clem earning a soft chuckle from me. I rested a hand on cheek giving her one last kiss before Clem's hazels eyes closed. I laid there next to my sleeping beauty until I was sure I could slip away without waking her.

I walked out into the courtyard. AJ ran up to me hugging my leg tears running down his face, "Vi I'm... I'm so sorry... Please don't hate me... I'm sorry". I wasn't mad at him- well maybe I was a little irritated last night but I'd never hate him. I got down on his level, "hey buddy look at me", I said wiping away his tears. "Listen Aj I'll never ever hate you okay"? You... You mean it, Aj ask? I pulled him for another hug, "Yes I mean it little man you and Clem are my world", I said pulling back to wipe the few remaining tears from his face. I motioned for him to go play with Tenn. Meanwhile I needed to check to see if our food situation was as bad as Clem said. "Hey, Violet, Omar said as I walked to him. "Hey Omar, uhh... I need to talk to you about our food problem". Yeah, we've almost run out of rice and I gave what little leftovers we had to Tenn and Aj, Omar said trying to hide his worry behind a forced smile. "Thank you the boys need it more than the rest of us", I said just as my stomach started to rumble. "Here Vi take these", Omar said holding four energy bars. I really didn't want to take what little food we had left, "No save- Omar interrupted me putting the bars in my open palm. "Take them if not for yourself then for Clem she's been giving her food to the others the last few days", he said. I felt selfish for having stuffed my face last night unaware that Clem hadn't eaten herself. I Put the bars in my pocket and began to walk towards the gate. "Where do you think your going malady", Louis said walking up bow in hand. Someones got to go check the traps, Lou, we can't just wait around to starve, I said! "Oh, and you think I'd let that happen"? I just shrugged because honestly I thought with Aasim hurt Louis would just be busy playing his piano. 

I ended up just heading back to the dorms with Clem since Louis and Mitch were busy getting dinner. I locked the door behind me. "I hope you enjoy these babe", I whispered placing the bars on the dresser. I climbed back in bed beside Clem letting her listen to sound my heart, taking her hand in mine as I drifted off to sleep.

I'm sorry these are shorter chapters, I didn't want to keep bringing up my feelings over and over again because that's not important. Yeah, I'm still very depressed but I love Violetine and you guys to stop writing so I'm pushing through it, I really hope you enjoy this chapter because I only plan on there being maybe six more.

My Soulmate  - Violetine FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora