Shots Fired

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Violets Pov

I woke up and Clem was no longer nestled in my arms, "where did she go" I asked myself? I noticed Rosie's body was no longer in the room. I walked outside hoping Clem would be out here, She was but what I saw filled me with desire. Clem was in nothing but her underwear and bra, bathing in the river. I just stood there watching her every movement, admiring every inch of her hoping that she'd turn around. "Take a picture Vi it'll last longer," Clem said turning to face me, my eyes dropped to her chest, her body was perfect. "You going to join me or just keep staring Vi"? I nodded my head and was so happy that this wasn't a dream as I started to get undressed leaving myself in just a bra and underwear as well. I filed my hands splashing the cool water on my body and once or twice I swore I saw Clem checking me out, "does she want me as much as I want her"? I asked myself this question up until it was time for us to head back to the school. I was tired of wondering whether or not Clem had the same romantic feelings that I had for her, I needed to know. "Hey, Clem could we maybe have a talk later, just the two of us"? She looks over at me with a concerned expression on her face, "Yeah sure Vi... but is something wrong"? I thought about telling her right then about how beautiful I thought she was, how her smile alone made my day and how since the first day I saw her all I've wanted is to feel her lips press up against mine. Instead, I decided to have these feeling be revealed in a more romantic setting, like atop the bell tower at night, I always found it quite peaceful up there. "No Clem nothings wrong, theirs just something I need to get off my chest". Clem gives me a smirk and nods her head as if she knew what I wanted to tell her. By the time we got back to the school, it was late into the afternoon, "MALON, LOUIS, AASIM, guys they're back"! Willy yelled unlocking the gates, Aj and Tenn rushed over to us hugging us both tears pouring down their faces.

"I thought that... ssh it's okay Aj I'd never leave you "How the heck did you two make it out of there," Brody asks? "We pushed through the herd for as long as we could but we eventually ran out of energy. Then Rosie, she..." Clem's eyes fill with tears as she struggled to find the words to explain Rosie's sacrifice. I walk over her wrapping my arms around her, she hugs me back and we just stand there two sobbing piles. Louis walks over "It's okay you two you don't have to say anymore, come on guys let's go get a bite to eat". Marlon wouldn't say a word the whole time we were eating he glared at Clem and me, "Marlon we're really sorry about what happened with Rosie, I know..." I stop apologizing as he walks away with Brody towards the basement, I'd never seen him act quite this before, but I ignored it, thinking he was just upset. Clem and I put Aj and Tenn in bed, she gave Aj a kiss on the forehead and whispered "goodnight goofball", in his ear before I led her out of the dorms and up to the bell tower. We sat down underneath the stars, Clem asked if I knew any consolations, I told her I didn't but we could make some up, we sat their making constellations for Aj, Clem, and me, until the moment felt right. I turned my body to face her and stared deeply into my eyes, Clem I... My body tensed up and my heart started racing as I tried to think of how I could tell her how much she meant to me. I was about to speak and confess my feelings when I was greeted by warm lips pressed softly up against, I lean in kissing Clem back but she pulled away, "I like you too Vi"! My heart skipped a beat and I felt exhilarated that she felt the same. I took her hand and guided her to my bedroom, locking the door behind us, but when I turned towards Clem she looked very nervous, "what's wrong Clem"? "I've never been with anyone before, that was my very first kiss Vi". As much as I wanted to be with her I needed to make sure she comfortable, I sat down on my bed and motioned for her to join, "I know we just had our first kiss, Clem if your uncomfortable we can cuddle or something, whatever you want, I won't push you". "Vi, I want to be with you I just don't know where to begin". "Let's take it slow Clem, come here", I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her for another kiss, she was a little tense at first but quickly loosens up and started kissing back. I slide my tongue into her mouth moving it in circles around hers, I waited till she began doing same and I took that as a sign to continue. I rub my hand slowly up and down her jacket each time getting closer to her breast, I pulled away from the kiss to see if she was okay. She looked down at my hands and back at me and smiled, I slowly unzip her jacket easing it over her shoulders and she did the same to me. when I took off shirt leaving me in a bra, Clem's eyes grew wide as she stared at my breast, "you like what you see"? Clem was speechless and just kept staring, I lifted her chin up for a quick peck on the lips to help her relax. She took her shirt off and tossed it behind her and continued staring at my chest, I gently took her hand and placed on top of my breast making her blush. "It's okay Clem I don't mind", I said reassuring her and she took a deep breath and started caressing my nipple with two fingers. Clem looked up at me as I let out a soft moan, I reached behind her back unhooking her bra but as soon as it dropped she covered herself looking everywhere but at me, "Clem look at me"! She turns her head back towards and a teardrop runs down her face as she moves her hands I notice a scar from a bullet wound but also several bruises around her breast, "I know I'm not very pretty but...", I wipe the teardrop from her face and place a hand on her shoulder, "No Clem your fucking beautiful"! Clem smiled the most beautiful smile and we continued kissing and undressing each other until there was nothing but bedsheets between our bodies. We laid there just staring into each other's eyes, I still couldn't get over how beautiful hers were, Vi what does this make us, are we girlfriends? I wrapped my legs around her waist pulling my body closer to hers, "Yes Clem I'd love nothing more than for you to be my girlfriend, that's all I've wanted since the day I saw your beautiful face". My words made her face light up as if she'd just won everything she'd ever wanted, "should we tell them, Vi"? "Yeah Clem but I don't think Louis will be too excited about it, he does have quite the crush on you". "Pfft well, then he'll just have to get over it because I love you, Vi". Clem had no idea how happy it made me that my dreams of being with her had come true. I gave her another kiss on the lips before we closed our eyes to get some sleep.

I awoke to the sound of someone knocking at the door, I quickly threw on my clothes and opened up the door. I saw Tenn there he had panic in his eyes, "Vi, come quick, it's Clem", I didn't hesitate to run outside after him. "What hell is going on..." Marlon interrupts me yelling and pointing a gun at Clem, "look at her hands she's covered in Brody's blood", he yells waving the gun around. I hear mixed voices yelling at Clem asking her why she did, but I knew better, "that's fucking bullshit Marlon Clem would never do that"! "Stay out of Violet", Marlon yelled at me, but Aasim backed us up demanding to hear Clem's side of the story. "Brody told me Marlon was gonna give me and Aj up to raiders in exchange for safety, the same way he gave up Sophie and Minnie". Clem yelled looking over at all of us, "you fucking piece of shit you told Tenn and I that they died by Walker's, but you really just fucking gave them away". I was angrier than I'd ever been, I walked between the gun Marlon was holding and Clem, pulling out my cleaver to defend her. "Violet being difficult why am I not surprised..." I wanted to kill him right then so badly and was pretty sure I was fast enough to take a chunk out of him before he pulled the trigger but I didn't want the bullet going through me and into Clem so I decided to try and talk him down instead. "Put the gun down now we're gonna do this the right way", the other kids backed me up and we all surrounded him. "You all don't understand, I'm trying to protect you all you, every fucking one of you," Marlon yelled pointing the gun at everyone. "How is waving a loaded gun around protect anyone, Brody's dead, Sophie and Minerva are gone you suck at protection"! Clem yelled getting in Marlon's face. Shut your fucking mouth Clementine, I made the right call and if those raiders came back I'd do it again"! And just like that Marlon confessed it all and with all the kids against him, he dropped the gun. "Look I know I've betrayed you, all of you, just let me leave you'll never have to see me again I promise". I wanted him to stay and answer for what he did, "you don't get to..." The deafening sound of gunshot rung out, causing my ears to ring, I looked up and saw Marlon's brains splatter all over Clem's face as his lifeless body fell to the ground.

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