Blood and Tears

942 14 4

Violets Pov

you're going to be okay babe I promise, I kept repeating these words over and over into Clem's ear. She listened to the rhythm of my heart as she slept. " Do you need anything, Ruby ask"?           "I'm okay but could you get her some water, please." " I mean I would but- "No Vi you're fine. Take care of your girl...he-he it looks like she needs it, Ruby laughs pointing at a drooling Clem.      She's so adorable when she's asleep. I couldn't help but give her a soft peck on the lips. After a few minutes of watching the other kids all helping take care of the school, I couldn't help but feel bad. Some of that guilt disappeared when I heard clem let out a light snore, her hand resting comfortably on my lap. "Nothing in the world can ruin this moment, I thought as I started to rest my head against Clem's shoulder. "Violet, they're back", Willy yelled causing clem and me to bang heads. "Ouch", I whispered yelled. Clem didn't seem to be hurt so I guess that's what mattered. Good afternoon beautiful, sleep- My words were interrupted by a moist kiss planted on my lips. A sweet taste filled my mouth as our kiss grew deeper. I was about to invade the small gap between her lips when clem pulled away. "We better go see what's up with Louis and the others Vi, Clem took my hand and we made our way over to the gates".

I see Louis barge through the gates panic all over his face. "Violet...Clem come quickly It's James he's hurt badly". "James...hurt, I thought to myself"? "What the hell happened he's a whisperer how the heck did he get hurt", I ask. "Just come on", Louis yelled! I grabbed my Cleaver and Clem and I ran after him. What I saw made my heart drop. A massive herd was approaching the school. To make things worse James layup against a tree while Aasim attended to some type of injury on James' wrists. Clem Ruby and I rush over to help him. "James, what happened to you", I ask?   He looks over at Aasim and then back at me. "The walkers they're innocent, then these two couldn't help but go on a little killing spree". "I tried to stop Aasim from killing one stuck in a trap but then- James was cut off by the moans of the approaching herd. Ruby helped James to his feet and inside. He was in no condition to help fight off the herd. Once again Clem and I had to face a horde, but this time we weren't alone. Aasim and Mitch stood by our side. "Let's kill these assholes", Mitch yelled charging forward. After only a few minutes my cleaver was dripping with blood and the bodies piled up as we pushed forward. Even injured Clem seemed to have no trouble cutting her way through the herd. It was kind of a turn on really seeing my girlfriend kick so much ass,  but I didn't let that distract me. I slashed my cleaver straight through crawlers head, its blood gushing out all over my jeans, the smell was nauseating. Luckily by now, there were only maybe twenty walers left. The four of quickly made short work of them. Nearly out of breath we stumbled our way back into the school our clothes stained with the blood of the dead.

As the gates closed behind us I saw that Ruby had James resting on the couch. Tenn was there and as I got closer I could hear his sobs, he and James had gotten really close. "Tenn its gonna be alright Ruby's doing everything she"-"No Violet it's not going to be alright he was bitten", Tenn yells running off to the dorms. He had been acting out a little more lately. He was still an angle compared to most kids his age. "Ruby is there anything we can do, we can't just let him suffer", I say noticing the sweat dripping down Jameses brow. "He's lost a lot of Blood Vi and the fevers already setting in. I gave him some echinacea and ibuprofen but were running low on medical supplies", Ruby said. "We just can't let him"- Vi I'm sorry all we can do is be here for him when he goes, Ruby says. Her voice cracking, tears forming as she wiped the sweat from his face. Tenn needed to be her for his friend so I decided to go talk to him. As I made my way through the dorm halls her sobbing coming from my room "Why...Why him? "first Sophie and Minnie now James Please god... let him be okay", Tenn cried. The door creaked letting Tenn know I was there. "Tenn its time to go, James needs you to be... He needs his family to be with him when goes". Tenn got up of the bed his shirt soaked with tears as wrapped his arms around me. "weeping", he cried hugging me tighter letting his emotions pour out as I gave a comforting pat on the back. "Sniff, sniff, I'm sorry for yelling at you Vi, I've just been feeling really mad lately".       "I know the feeling I've been there bud, your bodies just changing and that cause your emotions to be all over the place", I said. "I don't like it", Tenn says. "I know and i'll always be here for you if you need to talk, but right now James needs us". Tenn wiped his tears and followed me back out into the courtyard.

When we got back out into the courtyard what we saw was heartbreaking Ruby was wiping the blood from James' mouth, but no matter how much she wiped a little more would take its place dripping down his chin. Tenn ran over to help any way he could. "J-James I'm here... i'll be here till the end...Sniff, sniff", Tenn sobbed. I wasn't sure if James could hear him until he took Tenn's hand in his. I saw Aj leave Clem and Stand by Tenn. Clem and I watched as the boys said their goodbyes. "We have to let him turn", Clem whispered. I was a little shocked to hear suggest such a thing but then I thought about it. James never wanted us to kill any walkers and seemed upset when Aj told him about Marlon and Brody. Okay... But after they've said their goodbyes, I said wiping the tears from Clem's face. "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that dinners ready if you want to join the others", Omar said. "I'd understand if you wanted to stay with" - "Thanks Omar we'll be right over", Clem said. 

Dinner wasn't as peaceful as it usually was, Ruby wasn't even able to even join us because she was tending to James. Louis and Aasim wouldn't stop shooting looks at each other. They had gotten closer ever since the party, sitting together every night and now they seemed like enemies. "Okay... What the hell is up with you two, I yelled glaring at them both"? "Hey Violet don't look at me, Why don't you ask this fucking loud mouth over here", Aasim shouted pointing at Louis. Oh no, you are not blaming this all on me, if your tongue hadn't been shoved down his throat maybe he wouldn't have gotten distracted Aasim- Okay first off Why the hell were you doing making out with James", I asked Aasim. "What...Really Violet"? "Oh, so now you and she are the only ones allowed to - "Aasim this isn't about what Clem and I do because we don't fucking make love with a damn herd right outside the school", I said. I hear Louis chuckle at Aasims embarrassment. "Louis what the hell were you doing throwing a tantrum just because he kissed someone else", I yelled making my voice crack. "You both need to grow the hell up before someone else gets hurt"! The sound of coughing echoed throughout the courtyard interrupting our argument. We all rush over to help James. "Guy's help me hold him down, we can't let him suffer", Ruby said. "Please... Don't", James pleaded blood once again blood dripped from his mouth, his eyes turning yellow. If this was what James wanted then we'd give him that, he deserves to have control of his own fate same as anyone else. Ruby, Clem help me carry him we're going to the cellar. They didn't argue, James felt like he weighed a ton putting all his weight on Clem and me. 

As we stumbled down the steps James collapsed falling to his knees.  "Shit help me get him up", Ruby asked. We sat James down in a chair at the back of the cellar. "You guys should go I don't want to hurt you when i"- "No we're not going anywhere hon", Ruby said. "Rubys right James no ones just gonna leave you to die all alone down here."Your our family and will stay with you till the end", Clem said. They both turn to me waiting for me to agree, to say I wouldn't leave him.     I had no intention of leaving James, but I also had to make sure he couldn't move from that spot. "Ruby, Clem help me find something to restrain him", I said. I half expected James to be mad at me for making such a request. Before they had a chance to move James reached in his pocket and pulled out a roll of tape. "Here use... This", James, said.  After we had James taped down all we could do was wait.  Hour, after hour passed until James lost consciousness. We stepped back as his body sprang back to life fearing he'd break out of the tape. But he didn't, not only that he didn't even try to bite us he just sat there quietly groaning. "James", Clem said in disbelief, we were so used to walkers being aggressive but for some reason, James stayed almost motions. Upon hearing Clem say his name he looked up, his mouth moving but nothing but moans came out. It was almost as if he was still in there somewhere. James looked over at Clem's knife on the table and back at her and I swear I saw a tear run down his face. 

As the blood dripped down the Knife and onto Clem's hand she could no longer contain her emotions. Tears poured down her face as she pulled the knife from his head. "I'm sorry James, I'm so sorry", Clem wept. "Come on Clem let's get to bed will have the funeral first thing in the morning". Clem and I walked to our room drained from everything that has happened today. "Owch" she moaned trying to undress. "You okay babe do your ribs still hurt", I asked? Clem nodded, her eyes heavy she was exhausted. I eased her shirt carefully over her head and unzipped her jeans so she could climb in bed. I pulled the blanket over our bodies Clem resting her head on my chest as she closed her. "I'll never let anything happen, Clem, you'll get to see Aj grow up I promise", I whispered playing with her curly hair. as my vision grew hazy and I slipped into a slumber I dreamed of a future with my soulmate.

I hope you enjoy this ending. I will be proofreading the other chapters sometime soon. I can't wait for the final episode. I will be writing Violetine Fanfictions till I die!

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