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Clem and I rush to get dressed as Louis and Aasim barge into the greenhouse. We barely managed to put our bra's and underwear before they saw us. "You two just can't keep your hands off each other, can you"? Louis always had to jokes about everything but it was really starting to get on my nerves. Aasim, on the other hand, looked ashamed. "I'm sorry that we-" "Every fucking time", I said pushing my way past them. Dinner was the usual rabbit stew, I couldn't really enjoy it because I was still really pissed off at Louis. Louis noticed the cold glare is was giving him "What Vi"? "You know damn well what!" Louis sat there putting a hand to his heart like this was all a joke. Clem told Aj and Tenn to go keep watch while we had this little argument. "What the hell did you do", Ruby yells at Louis. The smug look on Louis's face turned to frown. "Yeah what happened?" Even Mitch was on our side at least for the moment. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself before I spoke. "Clem and I were just trying to have a moment alone before shit hits the fan and... I just wanted some time for us okay". "You could have told us that, Louis shrugs.

I get up from the table Clem tried to stop me grabbing a hold of my wrist, I look back at her, "I just... need a moment alone okay"? I pull her in for kiss letting her know I wasn't mad at her. I pull away brushing the hair out of her beautiful face. Clem nods and rejoins the others for dinner as I make my way to the back of the greenhouse to clear my head. Weed was my go to when I got really stressed. I clip off one of the buds grinding it up with mortar and pestle beside me. The earthy taste and skunk-like fragrance filled my lungs as inhaled deeply. "hhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaahhh" I slowly exhale the smoke from my lungs, I feel all the stress and anxiety leaving my body with every hit. I slide down against the door stoned out of my mind and begin reminiscing about all times Sophie and I shared a blunt. Every time we'd come here it was usually because Minnie and I were fighting about some dumb thing. Minnie would always get mad when we'd kiss, she acted like I wasn't enough to satisfy her. "Why was I even with her"? I asked myself. "She never really made me all that happy". "With Clem, I always feel loved she makes me feel worth a damn". "Shit, what am I doing"? "I should be out there with her... with my family". I took another hit before rejoining the others in the courtyard.

Clem and Aj were waiting outside for me. "Hey, guys what's up"? "Tenn went to bed early, but Aj wanted to go hunting tonight, would you"- Sure Clem and this way will have something more than just rice for breakfast. AJ ran up giving me hug, "thank you, Vi"! The more I'm around him the more I realize just how good a kid Aj is. "No problem little man". I look up and see Clem smile, "What"? Clem just chuckles and walks towards the gate Aj and I follow her out into the woods.

We walk for a few miles taking whatever game was caught in our traps and placing it in Clem's pack. AJ ran ahead checking a nearby trap, Clem took this opportunity to pull me aside. "You okay Vi, you seemed pretty mad earlier"? She was so close I feel her hot breath against my face which for some reason made me super turned on."hee, I am now". I placed my hands on her cheeks pulling her in for a kiss. Just as our lips were about to touch we heard a cry for help. "Clem"! We ran towards Aj as fast as we could, an arrow pulled back and ready to fire at any danger he might be in. When we found him he was resting up against a tree, blood leaking out him from what appeared to be a shotgun wound. "No, Aj!" Clem yelled running towards him. I hear whistling surround us sending chills down my spine. "Vi, we have to get him to Ruby now"! Fuck... you go, Clem, I'm gonna find whoever did this, we can't risk anyone following us back to our home. "Never go... alone"! AJ mumbles on the verge of passing out. Clem didn't argue she ran with Aj. I was about to turn around when something smacked against the back of my skull, my vision grew dark and the last thing I saw before I went unconscious was that asshole Abel from the train station he was with a woman she had short brown hair. "Well, look who we have here... remember me"? Those were the last words I heard before I blacked out.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Just a heads up it's about to get very dark, there will be some abuse in the next chapter.

My Soulmate  - Violetine FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant