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I woke up locked in a cell, my head was pounding probably from whatever they hit me with. "Get ass up"! Order a tall woman, she had her hair up in a bun and dark color skin. She opened the cell door and proceeded to drag me out by my hair. "Let go of me, you fucking bitch", I yelled.  "With pleasure"! She threw me down my face smacked against the wooden floor. "Argh... bitch"!  Blood trickled from my nose as stood back up.  In front of me was another woman, she had short brown hair and light brown eyes. "Well, you must be Violet, I've heard a lot about "-  "Leave us the fuck alone, we don't wanna fight for you"! She looked at me eyebrows furrowed, "hmpf oh really"? I kept eye contact with her letting her know I wouldn't back down. "Well, see about that... Minerva, she's all yours"! "Minnie"? I was shocked she was still alive but knew that meant she was one of them. "Violet"? She started walking towards me and I swore I saw her smile. "That's close enough!" "You can be happy here we have food, water, solar panels and you can be with your girlfriend... Isn't that what you want"? I didn't give a fuck about being with Minnie but at the same time, I felt relieved that she was okay.  No response fine we can play it that way, She looked up a Minnie who nodded back. She smacked me across the face with her crossbow. "Argh...the hell Min"- I looked up at her only to receive a boot to the face busting my lip and knocking me over onto my back. "Fuck you... you evil bitch... what'd you do to her"?  "Pfft... me whatever do you mean Violet... Minerva's happy here, don't you want"- "That's bullshit... how is she happy you took her from her home"! The way Minnie looked at me made me sick, she was one of them now they are her family. Violet, please just listen to Lilly okay, Minnie pleaded offering me her hand. I smacked it aside and stood once again on my own. I glared over this Lilly woman and then back at Minnie. "Fine... lock her up, maybe once you've starved a little, you'll come around"! They put me back in a cell without saying another word.

I examined the confines of my cell for anything that I could use for a weapon. There wasn't anything but I thought maybe if I could get Minnie in here that I could escape while the cell door was open. But even if I escape my cell I still probably get gunned down before I could set foot outside, no I'd need to learn the layout of the place and then plan my escape. I sat in a corner facing the door so I could see if anyone came in. The longer I sat there the more I thought about Clem, I missed her beautiful smile, I missed cuddling up next to her in bed. A tear ran down my face when I thought about not seeing her again. "Hey Vi, I got you a blanket". Minnie stood at the door of my cell. "I'm fine, keep it"! I didn't want anything from her. Minnie walked towards me leaving the door open behind her. "Vi, What are you crying about you never cry"? She sat down beside me, "come on talk to me". She said trying to take my hand. "Where's Sophie"? Minnie wouldn't answer but the look she had let me know she was dead. she placed her hand on top of mine,  "Vi I'm sorry for what I did earlier... I had to"- I pull away, "you didn't have to do shit"! "Oh come the fuck on Vi, stop being so difficult, if you cooperate we"- "there is no we Minnie now leave me the hell alone". She shook her head and smiled "that was the wrong answer", she reached in her pocket and pull out a knife. "Now wanna try again", she asked holding the knife to my throat. I'll give you three seconds to- she forced her tongue into my mouth and the blade so close to my throat I couldn't risk moving. "Get the fuck off me"! What she did next made my skin crawl she moved her hand down to my breast. "No... Stop"! She didn't stop, she chuckled and started moving her hand down my stomach, "Minerva get out here"! I wanted to kill her with that knife for what she did but knew that get me shot. we'll continue this later, she walked out the door and past Abel. "Get your ass to sleep you've got a big day tomorrow", he said. I was still shocked by what Minnie did, I felt dirty. I vomited in a pan at the end of the room, "fuck... I'm so sorry Clem i... I should have stopped her", tears fell down my face, I blamed myself for what she did. I felt sick to my stomach the rest of the night, curled up in a ball in the corner of the room. Gunfire and the groans of the herd outside made it even harder to rest, much less sleep. It was hours before I fell asleep. In my dreams I saw Clem, her smile making feel at ease, "I love you, Clem, I'll be home soon", I whispered in my sleep.

That was uncomfortable to write. I hope you enjoyed the chapter I'm gonna keep this book going for a while. Just a heads up the next chapter is about to get even darker.

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