Humiliation and salvation

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I was woken up by water being dumped on me, it soaked my clothes. "Get the fuck outside so we hose you down"! Abel yelled pointing a gun at me, Minnie stood behind him with her crossbow in hand. "Assholes". They led outside what I soon realized was a big boat. They walked me into the middle of the dock where the other raiders were. Minnie pointed a hose at me waiting for Abel to tell her to use it. "Alright now strip and toss your clothes to the side." "Are they trying to crush any pride and self-respect I have"? I asked myself. I closed my eyes taking off my boots, jeans, vest, and shirt which left me in just my bra and underwear. I expected to feel the ice cold liquid spray against my back at that moment but I didn't Minnie still hadn't turned the hose on. "The hell are you waiting for I did as you asked"? My eyes were still closed but I heard the rustle of leaves in front of me. "He-he, I said strip and from the looks of it you still have some clothes on"! Abel laughed. "Yea, come on babe I haven't seen your body in a while, Minnie chuckled behind me. "Fucking perverts", I mumbled under my breath." No fuck you I'm not"- "I can do it for you..." I could literally hear him breathe heavy like he was getting aroused. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself, tears fell down my face as I unhooked my bra letting it fall to the ground. I tried thinking of anything at all to help me get through this. "That's a girl", I felt hot breath on my neck making my skin crawl. "Here let me just" Abel groped my thighs moving his hand up to towards my chest - please just ... stop! I sobbed afraid of what they'd do to me. All of a sudden I heard the whistling sound of an arrow flying past my head. Blood dripped onto my shoulder and I heard Abel's body thud as it hit the ground. Louis, Clem, and Aasim came running towards me. Minnie wrapped her arm around my chest with her knife against my throat. "Move any closer and I'll kill her... I fucking swear"! Let Violet go, Minnie, please! I heard Tenn's voice say and the sound of a gun being cocked. Minnie's grip loosened on me as she turned to face Tenn. Put the gun down... Okay, I'll let you all go, Minnie pleaded I was done fucking around with her and in a rage, I grabbed Abel's put it to the back of her head and "bang" blew her brain's out alerting the other raider's. I ran into Clem's arms a sobbing mess, "shhh it's okay Vi I'm here"! Clem whispered holding me in her arm's. "Guys we gotta go will talk back at the school"! "Shit... grab Vi's clothes and let's go", Clem ordered wrapping her jacket around me. We lost the raiders as running through the forest, while they were distracted fighting off some walkers. We ran through the gates I could hardly believe I was home so soon I was overwhelmed with happiness. The other kids surrounded me looking relieved to see me. "Violet shit are you okay... what happened to your clothes"?

I couldn't look at them and say it so I stared blankly at the ground. "Minnie she uh... she tried to"- I couldn't do it I was afraid if I told them Clem would hate me. "Minnie tried to what Vi"? "She wanted me to kiss her and got mad when I said no". "She tried to rape you"? Ruby asked, her voice cracked and it sounded like she was going to cry. "I'm sorry Clem I... wanted to stop her but "- Clem's lips pressed softly against mine, I kissed her back with the same passion. "We'll make them pay Vi I promise"! Everyone hugged Clem and me, even Mitch. "Oh, shit Aj... is he okay"? With all the shit that happened, I forgot that he'd been shot. "He's doing okay, Ruby removed any of the shrapnel and got his fever down". I was relieved that Aj was okay and even more relieved that the perverted asshole that shot him was dead. "Lunch is ready"! I threw on my clothes and grabbed a bowl. "Hey, Vi could you take this to Aj"? Omar asked and besides I wanted to make sure the little man was alright. I walked down the hall and into my bedroom. Aj laid there in bed holding his stomach poor thing. "Violet you're okay"! He cheered happily. "Yeah, I'm okay I got you some lunch". "Ow"! AJ moaned sitting up to eat. "Still hurts huh", he nodded. I laid down waiting for him to finish and started drifting off to sleep. "Um... Vi can I maybe sleep in your bed"? Poor thing was probably scared to death after what happened and I could sympathize. Sure come on up bud, just don't tell Clem she might get jealous. Aj smiled climbing in bed resting his head next to mine. I watched him fall asleep, he had the cutest smile on his face. Clem walked in and smiled at the sight of Aj and me snuggle up together. She slipped off her shoes and slid behind me in bed. Her arms around my waist pulling me towards her. "I missed you so much, Clem and I hope you can forgive me for" - "Stop... You don't need to apologize, Vi, what happened... was not your fault"! Her words made me feel a little better but I still felt a little guilty and I think Clem could sense it. "Everything is going to be alright Vi... we're going after them okay"? I gave her a kiss on the forehead and the three of us slept the rest of the afternoon.

That was a rather messed up chapter but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. I plan to have another chapter out soon.

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