Calm before the storm

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Clem and I woke up shortly before dinner we slid out of bed carefully so we wouldn't wake Aj. We walked out into the dorm halls and saw Ruby walking towards us with a few boxes. "Hey Clem, hey Vi"! "Hey, Ruby what's with the boxes?" I asked. "Well actually coming to see if you and Clem wanted to join us for a party in the piano room". A party huh I wonder if they'll have some booze, I thought to myself. "Sure I guess if we're gonna die might as well have a little fun first ... lead the way, Ruby". We followed ruby into the recreation room where the other kids were busy drinking wine while Louis was busy on the piano. I went to get a drink while Clem helped Ruby finish decorating. The wine was absolutely amazing it was a little tart but I was busy chugging a glass to really notice. After a few more glasses I had definitely loosened up a little. "Who's ready to play spin the bottle"? Louis asks gathering the others into a small circle. I wasn't going to participate until I saw Clem join, I positioned myself across from her waiting for Louis to explain the game. "Okay so here's how this works everyone will spin the bottle and whoever it ends up pointing at will have to kiss... Is everyone okay with that"? Louis asked glaring over at me. I didn't speak I just stared back and forth at him and Clem hoping that they wouldn't share even the smallest kiss the whole game. "Alright let's begin", Louis spun the bottle I spiraled round and round when it stopped it had landed on Aasim. They stared awkwardly at each other waiting to see who would make the first move. Oh come you two Kiss Kiss Kiss, everyone joined in my chanting until their lips met for a quick peck and I swear it looked like Aasim enjoyed it. "Well damn, that was hot"! I snickered looking over at Louis who looked like he was trying not to blush. It was my turn to test fate and spin and with every circle the bottle made I felt my heart start racing hoping it'd land on Clem. "Come on dammit" I whisper yelled as it slowed down. I was relieved when it landed on her. Clem and I both leaned in for what started out as peck but almost immediately turned into a make-out session. I felt the tip of her tongue start to make its way into my mouth, "ahem... as entertaining as this is I think we should proceed with round three". Clem and I pulled away smiling from ear to ear. 

During the other rounds, Ruby ended up kissing Willy and Mitch ended up kissing Louis which it didn't look like Aasim appreciated. "Does Aasim have a crush on Louis"? I thought to myself before Clem, Louis and I moved on to playing darts while the rest of the kids helped Omar set up dinner. Louis picked up a dart acting all cocky "Stand back ladies and let a pro show you a thing or two. He hit a bullseye on his first shot which thought was weird since Louis usually had a hard time with anything but that damn chair leg. I thought there was no way Clem or I would beat him but Clem's aim was extremely precise she hit a bullseye nearly every time. After a few games of darts, Omar called us over for dinner. I poured myself another tall glass of wine before discussing our plan to eliminate the raiders. I was about to begin the discussion but Aasim beat me to it. "So what's your plan for taking out those assholes Vi"? One of the things that made Aasim such asset to the school was his ability to plan ahead. "I was just about to discuss that actually." "I was thinking that we should take a small group of four or five archers because if we're going to successfully wipe out these guys will need to remain stealth." "So that means will be using our bows". "Another thing I want you to kill everyone and to show no mercy, but I want you to save their leader for me." "She's not hard to identify her name is Lilly, you'll know it's her by the short brown hair, mainly because the only other woman there has dark brown skin and black hair." I mind slowly filled with thoughts of revenge."I  want the evil bitches head on a"- "why do you want her so badly Vi what she"-  "because she let Minnie and that asshole Abel abuse me so please don't fucking argue just do what I'm asking okay". I was already fucking stressing about all the what if's and just wanted everyone to do as I asked so things could smoothly. I swallowed my drink in a single gulp hoping it'd make me feel better. Louis and the others looked at me like I was going crazy. I thought I was gonna lose my shit until I felt the soothing warmth of Clem's hand on mine letting me know everything would be okay. Louis spoke up and for once and took things seriously. "Well make them pay Vi, they won't lay finger on another kid I promise"! It felt good to hear him say that, but they could tell I was still upset by my red face. "You can talk to us about it Vi we won't just you were all family here and talking about it might make you feel better", Ruby offered. I just wanted to feel better for them and for myself so I listened to Ruby and told her about what Minnie did. I took a deep breath and started explaining what had happened. By the time I was done they were almost as pissed of as I was which I guess was a good thing because it meant they'd be even more ruthless when killing the raiders. 

Everyone left the party to begin preparing for the attack. Leaving Clem and Me alone. Clem noticed how tense I was and tried to relive my stress with a kiss. As our lips touched my thoughts filled with the desire to love Clem like never before. "Just...Touch me make me forget". I moaned in-between kisses. Clem didn't argue she wanted me as badly as I needed her. She sat me down on a chair, sliding off my jeans and underwear spreading my lips and focusing on my clit. Clem didn't rush she took her time alternating between sucking and flicking her tounges against my skin. Every flick of her tongue gave me goosebumps and every kiss she planted on my vagina helped me release days of built up stress and anxiety. She pulled my legs further apart and It became hard to breathe as Clem started speeding things up sliding two fingers inside me moving them in and out rapidly while flicking her tongue against my clit. She didn't stop until she saw me squirt, Clem licked up the remaining fluid and pulled her body up to me for a wet kiss. "How did I taste"? I asked sensually. "Mmm very sweet...wanna taste"? Clem asked sliding her tongue in and out of my mouth. After another intimate make-out session, we curled up together watching the sunrise. We continued talking about our plan for taking out the raiders.

Hope you enjoy the chapter Right now it's 3 am so I'm gonna take a nap before school. 

My Soulmate  - Violetine Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن