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An intense sensation of pain woke me from a restful sleep, "Shit"! I yelled out, waking up Clem, "Vi are you okay"? "Yeah, I'll be fine Clem and sorry waking you up". I slowly sat up next to her on the couch, "aahhhhh" where's everyone else at"? "I think they're still sleeping, Vi and that means it's just you and me". I looked all around me and didn't see a soul in sight. I dropped down onto my knees, I wasted no time unzipping Clem's jeans, pulling them down around her ankles. "You ready"? Before she could answer I moved her underwear to the side exposing her clit. Somehow every part of Clem was beautiful and I wanted to explore such beauty with my mouth. But I had never made love to someone like this before I was nervous but I couldn't resist the urge to dive in. The sight before me had sent me into a frenzy. I started flicking my tongue against the skin surrounding her vagina. "Holyshit that feels... don't stop" Clem started tensing up as I turned my attention to her clitoris. Massaging it gently between two fingers. "Aah, God Vi", Clem moaned louder every second, arching her back up against the couch, her nails clawed their way into the furniture. The louder she got the faster I rubbed her clit. I knew she was close to climaxing when a drop of fluid dripped onto my lips.  I saw more of her juices drip out of her. I quickly licked them up and propped her legs up on my shoulders and dove into this ocean.  My tongue slid its way inside her, I moved it in small circles as if I was kissing her. This made Clem go crazy her body slide further down the couch with every flick of my tongue. Just pleasuring her like this was making me wetter every second. I wanted so badly for her to pleasure me like this to feel her tongue up against my body. I wanted her this to be her biggest orgasm ever. With a free hand, I began rubbing her clit at a rapid pace"ahhh" she moaned out several times. Until Clem could no longer contain her excitement as she climaxed her salty sweet juices flowed out onto my tongue and a loud moan filled the air. I drug my body up to Clem's soft lips, we began a passionate make-out session our tounges moving in circles which allowed her to taste of the sweetness that had come out of her. "Vi, Clem everything alright out there"? Ruby's voice echoed loudly through the halls, Clem and I panic as she rushes to get dressed before the other kids can see her. Clem finished zipping up her jeans as the others joined us in the courtyard, I wiped my mouth and thought of an excuse for us being so noisy. "Sorry about that you guys, it still really hurts", I said holding my shoulder. Clem walked over untucking her shirt, Louis had his arms crossed giving Clem and me a smirk. Ruby walked up holding some painkillers, "here Vi these should help ease the pain". I look at everyone and notice how dirty our clothes were we all needed a bath. "Do you guys wanna go down to the lake and get cleaned up our clothes are filthy"? "Man, we haven't had a chance to rinse off all this muck in awhile", Ruby said. Everyone else nodded in agreement, "if we are gonna do this will need two groups, one group will stay here while the other heads down to the lake". So Clem, Aj, Tenn, Ruby and I will head out first and Omar, Louis, Aasim, Mitch, Willy can head out once we're back. "Hey, Violet while you guys are out could you snag us a few rabbits for dinner"? We were in desperate need of food so every little bit we could scavenge would help. "Sure thing, Omar, I'll grab my bow".

Our group gathered up some gear and made our way out the gate and towards the river checking any traps we encountered on our way. Aj and Tenn walked up beside Clem and I, "Clem can Tenn and I go swimming at the lake"? Clem looked at me and Ruby then back at the boys, Sure Aj, but I want you both to stay where either, Violet, Ruby or me can see you. Aj started to run ahead with Tenn but was stopped by Clem. She got down to his level, "remember what I told you about going to someplace new"? "Yeah to Never go alone"! "That's right I want you to stay close to Tenn Okay"? "I will Clem I promise and if I see any monsters I'll stab them the head". Clem gave Aj a hug and him and Tenn ran ahead with Ruby to the lake. Tenn and Ruby took off their pants and shirt laying them out on a rock before jumping in the water. "Come on Aj the water feels great", Tenn yelled. Aj just stood there, looking at Clem and all it took was one reassuring smile from her for Aj to join Tenn and Ruby. While they were laughing and playing Clem and I went to a more secluded part of the lake where she helped me strip down to my bra and underwear before doing the same. We dove head first into the lake it was surprisingly warm for this time of year. Our lips met underwater and as our heads surfaced we continued our make-out session from before. Our tounges tangled up as we fought for control of the kiss, with neither of us willing to give in we laid down side by side on the dirt our toes resting in the soft sand. Time flew by as Clem and I relaxed on our backs with eyes closed, holding each other's hand, everything was peaceful. A shadow cast over my face, I open my eyes and see Ruby standing over top of us with a big smile on her face. "You two lovebirds ready to go it's past noon"? I sat up beside Clem, slipping on my jeans and shirt. Give us sec okay Ruby, we'll be right there. "Something wrong..." I hush Clem placing a finger to her lips, I took her hand guiding her to a side of the lake with lots of clay. I pushed my finger into the clay to write our initials V+C with a little heart around it. "Clem, can I borrow your knife"? Without saying a word Clem cut out the heart with our initials and placed in her backpack. Clem and I intertwined our fingers together, I wanted her to be with me always, "Clem do you wanna move in with me in my room, we can hang our heart on the door and Aj is welcome to stay as well, I just don't wanna sleep alone anymore, I wanna sleep beside someone who loves me". She didn't say a word and she didn't need to. The warm feeling of her lips said it all. We finished up hunting and searching the traps and made our way back to the school. 

The gates opened and the kids surrounded us anxious for their group to get a refreshing bath. Before They left I handed Omar all the game we'd collected. He started preparing dinner, letting it slowly cook while they were gone. Aj and Tenn went over to picnic tables and began to draw, "Vi you wanna talk to Aj with me about him and I moving into your room? I responded with a quick peck on her lips. I sat down across Clem and Aj next to Tenn. "What you are guys drawing"? Tenn held up the drawing for us, "this is for you and Clem". The drawing was of Clem and I holding hands looking at the stars. "You two looked so happy that night, I hope you like it". "How the hell did you two see us we were really high up"? "Well, Aj and I were on watch and we saw only a few walkers, Aasim yelled up to us that it was his turn but when we turned around to answer him we saw you two uh..." "You saw us kiss"! Tenn looked Aj with a big smile on his cute face and nodded. I put a hand on his shoulder, I look up at Clem, "yeah we were happy, she means a lot to me and I never loved someone like I love Clem." "Which is why I was hoping Clem and Aj would move in with me in my room". "Really we stay can stay with you"? The face Aj made was adorable he looked both shocked and exhilarated, this was probably how I looked when Clem kissed me. "Ha-ha, yep you two are welcome to stay with me". "uh but what about Tenn, can he come too?" I look at Tennesee he looked like he was trying to hide his disappointment behind a smile. Yeah, Tenn can stay too, I said patting him on the back. "Come on let's move our things into Vi's room Aj". Clem walked towards the dorms with Aj by her side. "Hey, Tenn, it's your turn to keep watch". Ruby sat down across from me, "what's up"? She waited until Tenn was far enough away that he couldn't hear us. "I wouldn't have a serious talk about you and Clem if that's okay"? The look on her face concerning, "What about"? "I know you two have had sex and I'm just worried about your health". Considering Ruby was the school's nurse I felt rather calm about the subject. "I 've never slept with anyone but Clem, at least not in a long time". "What about Clem has she ever..." "Have I ever what"? Clem asked taking her seat beside me, AJ joined Tenn on watch. I didn't wanna keep any secrets from Clem, we had been honest so far in our relationship and I wanted to keep it that way. "Ruby was just concerned about our health, regarding our sex life". Clem froze up her cheeks turned bright red. All it took to calm her was my palm resting on top of her hand. "It's okay Clem Ruby won't tell anyone, this will stay just between us three". Clem took several deep breaths before she responded, "what'd you wanna know"? Ruby fiddle with her fingers clearly she was a little uncomfortable as well. "Have you ever had sex with anyone besides Violet"? I felt Clem's body tense up again at Ruby's question. So I gently massaged the back of her hand with my thumb moving it in a circular motion and once again all it took was my touch to soothe her. "No, I haven't my first time was with Vi". Once Ruby finished asking us a few more personal questions, Clem and I took our dinner back to our room where we tried to eat in peace but the whole way there I could tell something was bothering her. I wanted to talk to her but decided to wait until after we'd finished eating, not wanting to ruin her dinner. I was about to ask her what was wrong but she beat me to it. "I don't deserve you", Clem mumbled just loud enough for me to hear. "What the hell are you talking about Clem of course you do, everyone deserves to be in love"! A few Tears started falling down Clem's face, which absolutely broke my heart. "No, I don't look at me! Clem yelled lifting up her shirt revealing all her injuries, "your bodies beautiful and mine is covered in scars"! I wrapped my arms around her for a hug. "Clem, you're beautiful, I don't give a fuck about any dumb old scars, I love you Clem and I knew I loved you before I ever met you". I had a dream about that kiss we shared on the bell tower and that was that was before I ever pulled you from that damn reck. Clem wiped her tears to look me in the face, "and the first thing I noticed in that dream was how beautiful your eyes were and when you kissed me I knew we were meant to be together". "You mean fate"? Yes, Clem, you complete me and there's nothing I wouldn't do just to see so smile." You are amazing and I'm honored to be your girlfriend"! Clem just smiled and laid down beside me in bed her head resting on my chest, it hurt my wound a little but that wasn't gonna stop me from comforting her. We laid there for hours, Clem was asleep by the time Aj and Tenn joined us for bed. I put a finger to my lips letting them know to be quiet, they laid down on the bunk across from Clem and me. They fell asleep rather quickly. I thought about how cute they looked sharing a bed. The four of us were more than just friends we're family. I listened to the sound of Clem's breathing slowly drifting off to sleep.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and the video I made for it, I think it fits the chapter well.

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