Taking Charge

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I was sleeping well my lover resting peacefully on my chest, she probably was listening to the rhythm of my heartbeat. I was just opening my eyes and noticed Clem was still sleeping peacefully "huh guess really wore her out" I thought to myself smiling about what we had done earlier. I tilted my head down to give Clem a quick kiss before I sat up slowly in bed trying not to wake her. I got dressed and decided to go get Clem something to eat, I walked out the door and was startled by the other kids waiting in the hall. "What the fuck are you guys doing outside my bedroom"? "We need you for the vote Vi, to decide who's taking over Marlon's position as the leader". I heard the bed creak in the room behind "Vi where are you?" I'm out here Clem, come out when you're ready"! "Damn, Vi, it's only been three days and you an Clem are already sleeping together"! "Yeah, so what if we slept together, I love Clem and after the way some you acted earlier I needed to make sure she was okay". Louis's face turned from smug to a frown, "oh poor Louis you feel bad now, we'll good you should feel bad, how about you shut up about Clem and me and focus on this vote instead"! "Clem walked out into the hall placing her hand on my shoulder, "you okay Vi I heard yell..." Clem went silent when she saw all the other kids and began looking embarrassed as she stared down at her feet. She started to take her hand off my shoulder, I wasn't gonna let her feel ashamed for wanting to be loved. "Clem, look at me", she looked over at the kids and then up at me, "don't think about them just kiss me." I lean in closer to her so that our lips are just inches apart. Clem didn't hesitate I felt the gentle warmth of our lips connect, I let out a soft moan of approval, as she became more relaxed the kiss grew deeper and after a few seconds we pulled away each with a smile on our face. When turned to face everyone Ruby, Aasim, and Willy all had big smiles on their faces like they were happy for us, okay we get it you two are really in love, good for you!" "Now let's take this damn vote"! Louis said walking away with the other kids following close behind, he was clearly jealous that Clem was my girlfriend and not his, Clem and I follow them out into the courtyard.

We walk outside and everyone is standing side by side in line ready to begin the vote. "Alright hers how we're doing this, everyone gets one vote and each one of us will say who we want to be in charge but you must also tell us why you picked that person". I look around at the kids and it looked like everyone was okay with these rules, "alright let's begin"! We let Tenn and Aj vote first, Tenn voted for me to be the leader and Aj for Clem. The vote ended with six of the kids voting for me to be the leader, the other four voted for Clem. Louis walked towards me holding Marlon's bow, "here take it". There were so many Ideas running through my head about how we could better defend the school, but a few, in particular, stood out. "We need to start building more weapons to defend ourselves just in case those raiders Malorn spoke of decide to come here"! I turn towards Clem, "would you be willing to help train them on how better to deal with walkers and maybe even show them how to fire a gun just in case we were to find some"? "Pfft, like she could teach us anything useful". Everyone glared at Mitch for his rude comment, "yes Mitch there are plenty of things Clem can teach us and that's why I want her to help me run the school." "Hey while we're busy making plans, I wanted to point out that were running low food, there's hardly enough for lunch today". "Well then will just have to..." I feel Clem give me a soft nudge on my side, "yes Clem"? "Vi the train station should still have some food, there was a lot there when Aj and I passed through". I didn't like the idea of returning to the place where I found Clem so badly injured, but we were in desperate need of food. "Okay will check out the train station first thing tomorrow, Clem and I will need some else to come with us to help carry the food". "I'll go with you, and give you cover," Louis said walking up. "Thanks, Lou, will head out around noon tomorrow". "Okay now as far as food goes for today, Aj, Tenn, and Willy will get fed first because they're the youngest".

By the time we finished making plans for how we'd defend the school, it was time for bed. "Hey, Vi wanna go look at stars I've got a blanket"? I was happy to go wherever Clem wanted along as she was happy. Once we sat our usual spot I was about to speak when Clem pulled me in for a kiss. I loved how soft her lips felt against mine, I moved my tongue in and out of her mouth teasing her. I kept doing this until she had enough, Clem pulled me down so that we were laying next to each, wrapping her arms and legs around me so I couldn' t escape, but I didn't want to I liked that she was taking control. She shoved her tongue in my mouth, twisting it around mine, we kissed until we were exhausted. Saliva dripped from our mouths as we pulled away gasping for air. We took off our shirts and jackets and whose them as pillows and as pretty as the stars were all we ended up doing was staring deeply into each other's eyes, "your so beautiful Clem I don't deserve a girl as amazing as you"! Clem blushed, resting her head on my chest, "and I don't deserve such a caring girlfriend like you Vi, you make me feel more loved than I've felt in a long time". "I'm glad I make you happy Clem I wouldn' t trade that for anything in the world". Clem didn't respond because she was already asleep her face buried in my chest, I felt her smile as I whispered softly in her ear "goodnight".  

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I love you all. Please if you have any suggestions for future chapters let me know because I plan to keep this book going for 20+ chapters.

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