Chapter 2: The Dungeon

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Brielle was still in the car, now sleeping. They were still driving to their destination as it was a long way there.

As time went on, the man driving kept letting the man sitting by Brielle know that he was in deep trouble for hitting Brielle and would most likely die. The man sitting next to Brielle gradually grew more nervous the closer they get to their destination. He slowly started fidgeting in his seat as he looked out the window, picturing everything that can happen to him by his boss.

All too soon, the driver pulled in front of a large gate and came to a stop. He showed the man guarding the gate a tattoo on his body as well as his I.D. The man nodded and pressed a button and the gate slowly started opening.

When there was enough space, the driver drove in and up the long driveway. He stopped the car and removed the keys. The two men got out and they pulled Brielle out of the car as well. The man who sat near Brielle tossed her over his shoulder and brought her into the house. He took many different turns and took her upstairs. He, once again, took many twists and turns until he ended in front of a room. He opened the door and placed Brielle on the bed. He then removed the bag from her head and looked at her face, hoping that there was no proof of him hitting the young girl. Unfortunately for him, on her cheek was a red hand print.

He sighed and left the room. He locked the door behind him, ensuring that the girl wouldn't leave their custody.

As he was walking down the stairs, he pulled out his phone and clicked on the contact labeled "Boss." The phone started ringing and he placed the phone on his ear.

Soon he heard his boss's voice.

"Talk to me."

"We got the girl."

"Good job Antonio. Is she unharmed?" the boss asked Antonio.


"Mostly?" the boss replied with a loud voice.

Antonio slowly shrunk in on himself. He took the last step on the stairs and walked towards the living room. He sat down on a couch.

"I-I slapped her," Antonio replied in a small voice.

"Slapped her! You weren't supposed to touch a hair on her head. Not you and not Andrew," the boss said angrily.

Antonio looked up the stairs and he  remembered slapping Brielle.

"Sir, Andrew didn't touch her. Only me," Antonio said, scared for the outcome.

"I will deal with you later. I'm on my way."

With that, the boss hung up the phone. Antonio tossed his phone on the spot next to him and held his head in his hands. He knew he would be sent to the dungeon. Chills ran down his spine at that thought. He's never been down there, but he has head all the horrifying stories that made him feel as though he was in the dungeon.

She should be waking up soon, Antonio thought.

Andrew then walked into the living room and picked up Antonio's phone, tossing it back to him. Antonio caught the phone and Andrew sat down.

Andrew was silent for a minute, gauging Antonio's reaction. He didn't see much, only Antonio looking away or shaking his head.

"You okay?" Andrew asked. "What'd the boss say?"

Antonio inhaled a large breath. "He said he'll deal with me later." Antonio visibly shook when he finished the sentence.

"That's rough," Andrew said, shaking his head. "Did he say when he would be coming?"

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