Chapter 29: Going Home

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Brielle couldn't be more proud of the fact that she managed to escape the hotel. There was no way to describe the way she felt. To say the least, she felt happy inside but she was scared to show it on the outside. She thought that if people saw how happy she was then they would just take it all away from her again. That couldn't happen. She can't survive that pain a second time.

Brielle knew that she didn't fully trust the man that was taking her to the airport and she hoped that he actually was taking her to the airport and not to some abandoned building to kill her. All Brielle wanted was to go home. She was just so tired of everything. She was tired of life, of her life.

She just wanted to go home and be neglected by her family. They probably didn't even realize that she was missing. Honestly, Brielle didn't care if her family neglected her or if they didn't remember her. She just wanted to be home. Where she's safe. Where Jake and John didn't exist.

Brielle just wanted to forget this chapter of her life. She wanted to erase it out of existence. She wanted to hit the backspace button until she couldn't anymore. 

Brielle didn't think that anyone would believe what happened to her and she didn't want to speak about it again. She knew that if she told the story then she would relive it every single time. She hardly lived through the first time so she was sure she couldn't live through it a countless number of times.

Brielle looked out the window and saw the airplanes. She felt butterflies in her stomach. She was nervous. She didn't know why she was nervous. She should be excited, ecstatic even. She was finally leaving Jake and John behind, but apart of her felt like this was wrong. She couldn't understand why. 

Then Jake's face appeared in her mind. 

That stunned her. She didn't know why, out of all people, that Jake was the one on her mind. She quickly pushed her thoughts aside as the car came to a stop outside of an airport entrance. 

"Here we are darlin'," the man said.

Brielle turned to look at him. "Thank you . . ." Brielle drifted off, not knowing the man's name.

"John. John Mansfield."

Brielle looked at him, trying to force the memories of John Lowan out of her head. 

"Thank you, Mr. Mansfield," Brielle said, smiling a small smile.


Brielle thanked him again before climbing out of the car. When she was out, she made sure she had all her belongings before shutting the door behind her. In order to be polite, Brielle stood on the sidewalk as John drove away. 

When he was out of sight, Brielle rushed into the building. She felt like she was suffocating in the Russian air. 

As Brielle stood in the airport, she realized that she couldn't read Russian. 

She was in a Russian airport. 

Brielle knew that she had to leave as quick as possible and the first thing she thought of was talking to people. She would have to use hand motions, but as she looked around the buzzing airport, she didn't think that she would have a lot of trouble finding her destination.

But first things first. She needs to buy a plane ticket. 

Brielle looked around to the best of her abilities and saw a stranger standing at a counter. She gave the employee money and got back what seemed to be a plane ticket. 

Brielle walked over to the counter and waited for the employee to look at her. When the employee looked up, he raised an eyebrow, waiting for Brielle to speak.

"California," was all Brielle said, hoping he understood her. He nodded and developed the ticket. 


Brielle looked at him for a second before realizing that he meant dollars. She thought it was a bit expensive, but she quickly paid the fee and took her ticket. She dashed off to where she hoped she was supposed to go next.

After a long, crucial two hours, Brielle was trying to find her right gate. Once she found it, she saw that they were almost done boarding. She quickly filed into line, standing in the very back. The line moved forward relatively quickly and soon, there were two people standing in front of her. 

"Stop her!" someone yelled.

Brielle turned and looked around in confusion. Her eyes widened when she saw Jake running towards the gate. Towards her.

Brielle turned to look at the women allowing people to board.

 "Hurry," she said.

Brielle was next and she was getting more and more anxious the closer Jake got.

It was Brielle's turn.

"NO!" he yelled. 

Brielle was tapping her foot, getting impatient.

"I'm sorry," he continued to yell. "Forgive me. I-I love you, Brielle."

Jake had step foot into her gate and he slowed down to a jog. 

Brielle had step foot onto the long walkway that will lead her to the plane. 

"Brielle," Jake said. 

Brielle refused to believe that Jake loved her. It was impossible. For some reason, she stopped in her tracks and looked Jake in the eyes.


This time it was Brielle saying no.

You don't love me. You don't. If you did, you wouldn't have hurt me. You would have allowed me to go home, so I can be happy. But you're selfish."

People were staring at Brielle and Jake. Jake started walking closer to Brielle.

"Don't come near me," Brielle spit out with venom. "I hate you. I despise you. You scarred me and now you have to live with the guilt. I hope you and your disgusting use of a father, of a raper, die so I never never have to see you again." 

Brielle's eyes were watery, but she wouldn't let the tears fall. She tried to make herself believe that she hated and despised Jake and that he should die, but her heart didn't believe it. It didn't believe a single word that she just said. She hated herself for it. How can she feel something for that monster? How? She didn't understand, but she knew that she would be way better without him. She couldn't even look at him, so she turned around and walked away.

The last thing she saw was tears going down Jake's face. He looked broken. He looked regretful. Guilty. Anything other than happy.

Brielle continued walking until she arrived at the plane. she put her luggage away and took a seat. She buckled her belt and looked out the window as the plane took off. 

Brielle knew that she will never see them again. She was going to be safe. She was going home. She just couldn't believe that it was all over.  

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