Chapter 27: The Run Away

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Jake was worried the entire ride back to his hotel. He didn't want to think that there was no fixing Brielle.

He knew that there would've been scarring. Both mentally and physically. She was tortured by Jake and his father. She thought that Jake's torturing was bad and that it couldn't get any worse, but she was wrong. 

John destroyed her. He shattered her and when something is shattered it can never be the same again.

Brielle will never never be the same person again.

Brielle knew that. Jake knew that. He didn't want to believe it, but it was true and he knew that. 

Jake arrived at the hotel and he climbed out the car. He walked inside the building and into the elevator. He walked to his room. He unlocked the door and was scared to see Brielle and he was scared to see how much damage his dad caused. 

Jake walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He walked further into the room and saw the nurse besides Brielle. 

Brielle laid on the bed with her eyes closed. 

She was sleeping.

For a second, Jake thought that Brielle was dead because she was hardly moving. It was just the slow rise and fall of her chest. 

"How is she?" Jake questioned the nurse.

"I disinfected the area that was burnt, but you need to take her to the hospital for further investigation because I don't have all my equipment here."

"Will she heal?"

"Unfortunately she will have a scar from the branding and it will always say 'John' on her arm. It will get a bit lighter, but there's no way for it to heal completely. I don't know the full extent of what happened so I can't say much more."

"Thank you."

"Of course."

Jake paid the nurse and she left. Jake took her spot next to Brielle.

He saw the mark on her arm and his eyes started tearing up.

He couldn't believe that John, the man that raised him, had put her through that much pain.

He couldn't fathom the fact that John had raped the girl that he loved. John branded her. She was going to be scarred for life. 

Jake lifted Brielle into his arms and walked down to the lobby. He left the hotel and climbed into his car that was being driven by his driver. 

"To the hospital."

The car pulled away from the curb and they were on their way to the nearest hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, Jake went to the emergency area with Brielle still in his arms. Brielle was still sleeping. 

Brielle's turn came rather quickly and Jake took her into the room. He had to wake her up so the doctor could properly examine her.

Jake placed Brielle onto the hospital bed and started gently shaking her awake.

"Brielle," Jake said, hoping it would help wake her up.

"Brielle, you have to wake up."

Brielle stirred and rolled onto her side. She landed right on her branded arm. 

She suddenly screamed and and started thrashing around.

"Get off! Get off me!" Brielle yelled with her eyes still closed.


Tears were streaming down her face as she continued to thrash and move around.

"Brielle!" Jake yelled, panicking.

"Get away! Get away! Please!"

Jake ran to the door and called out for the doctor. The doctor ran to the room and saw the situation.

"We need to calm her down and she needs to wake up."

Jake ran to Brielle and hugged her. Slowly Brielle stopped thrashing and opened her eyes. The tears were still streaming down her face.

"Shh. I'm here. You're okay."

Jake tried to comfort Brielle but it didn't work in the slightest. Brielle didn't have the energy to fight against his hold so she didn't.

Jake then pulled back and explained that the doctor was going to make sure that there was no permanent damage.

Brielle shuffled away from the doctor. She didn't want to be touched again. 

"I'm not going to hurt you."

Brielle didn't believe that in the slightest, but she had no choice. 

The doctor wrapped her arm that was branded to make sure nothing infected it. He then made sure that there was no damage internally. 

Luckily, Brielle was okay and the doctor discharged them.

Jake payed the fees and directed Brielle to the car. Brielle kept their distance while they were walking.

Suddenly, Brielle broke away from Jake and ran away in the opposite direction. It took Jake a moment to notice, but when he did, he ran after her. 

Brielle pumped her legs and hoped to escape.

She knew that she was in Russia, but she would find a way back home. 

Jake ran faster and was catching up to Brielle. She could hear his footsteps and knew that he was gaining on her. Jake caught up and stopped Brielle. He picked her up and took her back to the car. 

The driver drove back to the hotel.

Once they arrived, Jake took Brielle to their room. He locked the door and placed Brielle on her bed. 

"Sleep," Jake said, climbing into his bed and falling asleep.


A new chapter finally!!!!! :)

What did y'all think?

What do you think is going to happen to John?

To Brielle?

Bye my fellow Masqueraders!


Have a good day/night 

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