Chapter 23: Answers

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Jake has some of his men surround the building while he barges inside with some of his other men. They are silent as they creep inside with their guns aimed in the direction they are facing.

Jake signals for his men to spread out as he goes in a different direction. Some men slowly and stealthily go up the stairs with the occasional creaking noise following. 

Jake walked around for a bit until he found stairs that lead to a basement. Jake took the first step down when he heard a shout followed by a thud.

"Go get boss!" Jake heard one of his men yell. 

Thundering footsteps were heard as Jake turned around and walked to the main area of the building. He locked eyes with one of his men and he came rushing to Jake.

"Boss, Martin has been found upstairs," the man rushed out.

"Perfect. Is he restrained?"

"Yes sir."

"Show me," Jake ordered, wanting to know where Martin was.

The man quickly turned around and walked to the stairs, Jake following behind. They then went up the stairs and down a hall, passing multiple doors on the way.

As they got closer to the last door in the hall, noises could be heard as well as voices.

They then opened the door and Jake immediately saw Martin tied and restrained to a beam attached to a bed.

All commotion stopped as Jake sauntered into the room.

Martin looked up trying to hide his fear.

"Well, well, well," Jake taunted, "what do we have here."

Martin looked away.

"What do you want with me?" Martin gritted out, turning his head to look at Jake.

"You're here because I know you have something to do with my Brielle missing," Jake said, crouching down in front of Martin.

"Brielle?" Martin questioned, acting innocent.

"Yes Brielle. You know her, don't you?" Jake asked, tilting his head in a confused manner.


"Oh I'm terribly sorry. I must have mistaken you with the wrong person," Jake mocked.

"Yes, I believe you have. Now would you please let me free? My wrists and ankles and tied pretty hard," Martin said, hoping Jake would fall for his act and let him free.

Jake began to laugh out a sinister chuckle.

"You think I believe you?" Jake questioned angrily. 

Jake stood up and walked closer to Martin, reaching his hand out and grabbing a hold of his throat. He then pushed his head into the wall that was behind him.

Martin's eyes widened as fear settled into his body.

"You think I didn't see any proof pointing at you?" Jake questioned with fire in his eyes, pulling Martin forward only to push his head back into the wall with more force.

"Bring me the items," Jake demanded, letting Martin free from his hold.

Footsteps were heard leaving the room.

"Now are you going to tell me where Brielle is or are we doing this the hard way?" Jake questioned.

"I'm not saying a thing," Martin said stubbornly.

"Hard way it is then," Jake sighed.

Seconds later footsteps were heard again and the person walked to Jake, giving him the bag he had in his hand.

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