Chapter 34: Closed Off

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The sheriff was immediately summoned. They called Brielle and her parents back to an interrogation room. Her siblings had to stay behind otherwise it would've been too crowded. Brielle didn't care though. She didn't want to be there in the first place. She couldn't care less about this whole situation. She was safe. Couldn't they see that?

The sheriff opened the door to the interrogation room and Brielle was the first to walk in. She now understood why nobody liked rooms like this. It had bland gray walls with a gray metal table in the middle. It also had a chilling feeling like there was a ghost or something. That didn't sit well with Brielle but she pushed her feelings away. She needed to be emotionless because emotions get you hurt. She couldn't handle more hurt. Everything that she experienced will stay with her forever. All the thoughts and pain and John. His name was on her. Forever.

Brielle sat down in one of the chairs, her mom sitting next to her as her dad stayed standing. The officer sat in front of them. He cleared his throat and set a recorder on the table, pressing the record button.

"Tell us everything that happened from beginning to end," the officer said.

"Sure," Brielle said, squinting to see his nametag, "Officer Anderson."

Officer Anderson nodded and motioned for her to continue. Brielle leaned back in her chair, sighing carelessly.

"Long story short, I was kidnapped and now I'm home."

"Yes, we know, but how are you home?" Anderson asked, needing Brielle to open up.

"I escaped. Are we done here?" Brielle questioned, standing up from her seat.

"Brielle," her mom scolded.

"It's okay," Anderson said, turning the recorder off, "she just got home. Let's let her get settled and then we'll pick this up again. I'm just glad she's safe." Anderson stood up and shook David's hand.

They all turned and walked out of the room as Brielle's parents were surprised with her behavior. They knew that what she went through was traumatic, but they didn't expect her to change so drastically. She seemed like she didn't care about a thing.

"That's so unlike her," Brielle's dad muttered, shaking his head. Her mom sighed.

"Maybe she just needs time and if that doesn't work," she took a pause "we'll get her some help." Her dad nodded in response, knowing that that option was best. They made it back into the lobby of the police department, but Brielle was nowhere to be found.

"Where is she?" Brielle's mom asked the rest of her kids.

"She just walked out and wouldn't listen to us when we told her to stop," Emily, Brielle's older sister replied.

"So you just let her go? She was kidnapped you guys. Kidnapped! You guys should've gone after her and not just sit here and tell her to stop," Melissa, the mom, scolded.

Brielle's siblings knew that their mom was right. They should've gone after her. They should've stopped her. Helped her. Anything other than just sit there and tell her to stop.

"Find her." David, Brielle's dad, commanded.

Emily, Emma, Jacob, and Josh all stood up and scurried out of the police department. They parted ways and went searching the streets for their youngest sibling. They went into any store they thought Brielle would be in and to the park and ice cream parlor, but wherever they went, she was nowhere to be found. They knew they should've just followed her in the first place, but they were so used to letting her go out by herself. They didn't need to worry about her. At all. But then things changed in an instant. She was gone and for the longest time she stayed gone. First they had thought that Brielle ran away but they quickly realized that that wasn't the case. She went to the grocery store empty handed and didn't come back. Then they realized she was kidnapped. Now they need to worry about her and they already failed. They couldn't find Brielle anywhere.


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