Chapter 15: Slap to the face

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Jake didn't get a proper sleep last night. He woke up almost every hour with guilt drowning him. Whenever he did wake up, he would check on Brielle, scared that something had happened to her.

Brielle, however, slept so soundly that sometimes Jake would think that she was dead. He would end up looking for a pulse and when he would find one, he would sigh in relief and think that he would fall asleep like a baby. That was never the case.

This has been happening for a couple nights now. Brielle would sleep like a baby and Jake would constantly be checking on her.

He had explained to her that his father had realized that she was sleeping in another room and for that reason, she had to sleep in Jake's bed. Brielle understood. She accepted the fact that she was trapped, but that doesn't mean that she won't try to escape the cage she was stuck in. She just had to wait until the right moment, whenever that may be.

Jake knew that his father didn't come around everyday, but Jake never did know when he would show up randomly. He had to be on the safe side.

Brielle didn't want to sleep in the same bed as Jake, but she had no choice. She didn't have a choice in anything anymore.

Currently, Jake was up and was checking on Brielle. It was three in the morning. His hand went to her wrist and neck to check for a pulse. As his hand was on her wrist, her eyes scrunched together and her body was starting to thrash. Whimpers left her parted mouth and Jake was frozen as he saw this. He had moved back and was not near Brielle.

Tears streamed down her face and her eyes shot open as she shot up into a sitting position. She was shaking as she brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around herself. She was looking around the room as if she didn't know where she was.

"Brielle," Jake whispered, coming closer to her .

Brielle's eyes shot to Jake and she shuffled back into the corner against the headboard. 

Jake slowly came closer with his hands up, letting her know that he wasn't going to do anything. Brielle just whimpered as he came closer. She shut her eyes as she buried her head into her knees. Her body was shaking like a leaf. 

Her head was shaking as she whispered, "No, no, no," over and over again.

Jake reached Brielle and pulled her in for a hug. Brielle started pounding on Jake's chest, wanting to get away from him.

"There gone!" Brielle wailed.

"Who?" Jake whispered, freezing up.

Brielle just continued to shake her head, desperately wanting to leave.

"L-let me g-go!"

"No, Brielle."

"Please! Let me go!" Brielle yelled.

"No," Jake said sternly.

"I hate you!" Brielle screamed, catching Jake off guard as his ear started to ring. Brielle took this as her chance to push him away. She quickly scrambled off the bed.

"I hate you," Brielle repeated.

"W-why?" Jake stuttered out, a look of hurt flashing over his face before it was gone.

"Why?" Brielle asked, chuckling darkly, "why?" she repeated.

"You kidnapped me! Took me away from my home, my family. Y-you put me in a small room. You scarred me. Scarred me! Kidnapped me! You forced me to be your pretend girlfriend! I don't even know your age! Your dad-"

Jake had walked towards her the entire time. 

He cut her off as he placed his lips on hers, silencing her. Brielle was stunned into silence. She didn't know what had happened since her brain was still trying to catch up with the actions that had just taken place.

Jake's lips were moving against her still ones.

Brielle realized what was happening and pushed him way.

Jake stumbled back and balanced himself. 

Brielle brought her hand up to her lips and tears sprung to her eyes once again. Jake, Brielle's kidnapper and a man she hated, had just taken her first kiss, right before she was about to tell him about what a creep his father is.

Brielle stepped forward and slapped Jake right across his face. Jake's head snapped to the side and his hand slowly rose up to rub his stinging cheek. Jake slowly turned his head to face Brielle. He was blinking away the shock.

"M-my first k-kiss," Brielle whispered, blinking away the tears.

A smirk spread across his face.

Jake stalked to Brielle and grabbed her hair. He then pulled his hand down so that he was pulling her hair.

He then turned around and started walking, Brielle dragging behind him as he was pulling her by her hair. Brielle was whimpering as her hand was trying to snatch her hair back.

Jake brought her to the shooting range in a soundproof room in his house. He threw her to the floor and pulled out a pistol from the gun rack.

"Stand up," Jake ordered.

Brielle scrambled to her feet. 

"I'm going to shoot the target right above your head with my eyes closed. You might die or if you're lucky, you'll live. Next time think twice about slapping me."

Jake took the safety off the gun and closed his eyes.

"You better still be standing there otherwise I will staple you to the wall."

Brielle shuddered in fear.

"One . . . two . . . three."



Another chapter down! 

This took me longer than expected because I kept getting distracted and for that reason I don't think that this was the best chapter. I definitely could've done better! Who agrees with me?

What did you think of the chapter?

Do you think Jake shot Brielle?

Is Brielle still there?

What about that kiss?

The slap?

How are you?

Don't forget to vote!

Bye my fellow Masqueraders 


Have a good day/night

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