Chapter 10: Isolation

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Brielle hasn't eaten for days. She has just been sleeping. The only time she gets up is to use the bathroom.

She hasn't brushed her teeth or taken a shower in three days.

She's been in her room for three days.

Her guard has delivered her food for that amount of time. She hasn't even glanced at the food.

Jake hasn't come to see her at all.

Brielle didn't know whether she should be happy or mad at that fact. On one hand, Brielle didn't want to see Jake, so she was happy. On the other hand, she hated that Jake left her in that small room and didn't bother to see if she was okay now, so she was mad.

Currently, Brielle was in bed, staring at the ceiling. She was reminiscing on her life before she was kidnapped. She thought about when she was younger and how she was accepted in the family. As she grew older, she got interested in things that her siblings and parents weren't interested in. That's when she was separated from her family.

She then things about her best friend, Bella, and how her eighteenth birthday went. She wondered if Bella was worried. She wondered if her family was worried.

Did they file a report? Were people searching for her? Did they find any clues? Were there witnesses?

Brielle laid still as she heard the door click. She didn't bother to look up. She knew it was her lunch.

The door closed. Brielle still didn't move.


Brielle didn't move. She just lied there as Jake stood in her room.

Jake watched Brielle. She was hardly moving. If it wasn't for the small movement from her chest when she was breathing, Jake would think she was dead.

Jake felt guilty for what he did to Brielle and he didn't know why. He's never felt anything for anyone. He was never guilty when he killed someone or tortured them, but he felt guilty when he locked Brielle in the room.

It confused him.

He didn't want to feel anything for anyone. He didn't want to feel guilt, happiness, sadness, anger. He didn't want to feel anything. He didn't like anybody and he never will.

However, when Jake looked at Brielle, he felt feelings, emotions.

He felt guilty for hurting her.

He felt happy that he has her there with him.

He felt sad that he ever hurt her.

He was angry at himself for hurting her.

Jake, for once, didn't mind these feelings. He welcomed them, although he was confused on what this meant.

"Brielle," Jake said in a soft, gentle voice.

Jake walked to Brielle's bed and sat on the edge.

"You need to get up."

Brielle didn't listen.

"We have to go to a ball."

Brielle slowly turned her head and looked at Jake.

"W-Why?" Brielle croaked.

That was the first word Brielle spoke since she was put in the room.

She lifted her hand up and placed it on her throat. It was dry and it hurt her to talk.

Jake grabbed the glass of water that was on the bedside table and faced back to Brielle.

"You have to sit up to drink the water."

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