Chapter 20: Accusations

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Jake was stunned into silence. He was trying his hardest to process what his father just said.

"W-what?" Jake whispered, looking as though he was shot.

"The footage is gone, son."

John was looking at Jake with a look on his face. Jake couldn't pinpoint what the look was, but he knew that he didn't like it. All Jake's rationality left his being at this point.

"Father," Jake started, taking menacing steps towards his father, "what did you do?" he was seething. He was hoping and praying with all his body that his father didn't wipe the footage.

"What do you mean, son?" John asked, leaning back in the chair, looking up at his son that was standing right by the chair, looking at the computer.

Jake's chest was heaving. 

"Did you, or did you not, delete the footage?" Jake asked.

Fire was burning in his eyes as he thought about his dad doing the unthinkable. He was trying to calm his breathing. 


Jake turned his head to see who was at the door. 

"We need . . ." one of his men trailed off as he saw the flames in his boss' eyes.

His eyes widened. 

"N-never mind."  

Jake turned to look back at his father.

"That is absurd!" John exclaimed, pushing back the chair and standing up. "You think I, your father, wiped your footage? For what? To keep you from your love? Am I really that low to you?"

Jake stepped back, registering his father's words. Why would his father do that to him. His father loved him. He trusted his father. No matter what was to happen, he knew that his father would never do that.

"You're right, father. I'm sorry," Jake sighed, looking down at the floor. "I just- I need to find her," Jake continued, looking up at his father with the most vulnerable look he has ever showed.

"Son," John said, stepping closer and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We will find her. We will find out who wiped the footage and we will get it back."

"It's late now," John continued, stepping back and watching as his hand fell off of his son's shoulder. "You should sleep and we will continue this investigation tomorrow."

"How am I supposed to sleep, father? Not knowing where she is or if she is in danger. She has been passed out for the last couple of days. She wouldn't have just magically woken up and left a room, a room that she didn't even know existed. Someone took her. Can't you see that? I-I don't know how they knew about that room. Maybe we have a mole or something. I don't know, but how can I sleep if my girlfriend, my love, is somewhere in danger?" Jake panted, trying to catch his breath after his long speech.

"I know that. But you have to try your best. For her."

John turned and left the room, leaving his son's house and driving to his own.

Jake sighed and ignored his father's words. He wasn't going to bed. He was going to try and find out who wiped his footage.


Jake worked through the whole night, drinking multiple cups of coffee to keep himself awake. He was determined to find out who took his girlfriend.

Jake had done everything he thought would work to get the footage, but nothing worked.

Jake stared at the screen, zoning out and getting sucked into his mind.

He regretted the way he met Brielle. He wished that he saw her somewhere and asked her out. He wished he did everything the right way, then maybe, just possibly, Brielle would like him back. But he went about it all wrong. He had people kidnap her. He tortured her. He starved her. He caused her to be claustrophobic. He stole her first kiss. He stole it from her. He didn't earn it. He didn't deserve it. He just took it. Jake didn't deserve her and that was something he knew.

He would never forgive himself for that. 

When he gets her back he will release her.

That was something Jake promised himself.


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How are you?

I know that this chapter was short and I am truly sorry. I had to go to a store with my parents and I got home later than expected. I still have to do my homework. I'm sleepy and my head hurts.

If you guys read my other story, My Heart Breaker, than I am truly sorry as well. I have been missing my uploading dates, but I have writer's block on that story. I am trying though. Please bear with me.

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Bye my fellow Masqueraders


Have a good day/night

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