Chapter 17: Blood

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Jake stood outside the bathroom, listening to Brielle sob her heart out. His heart broke as he heard her whisper the dreadful words, "I want to die."

He couldn't believe that she wanted to die. He knew that she didn't like being held captive, but he didn't know that she wanted to die. He didn't want her to die. He needed her.

Slowly, he crept closer to the door and knocked. Immediately, the crying stopped and no sounds could be heard.

"Brielle," Jake said softly, "can you come out?"

"J-just a s-second," Brielle sniffled.

As Jake waited for Brielle, he heard the water turn on and assumed that she was washing her face. He turned around and walked to Brielle's bed, taking a seat on it.

A couple minutes later, Brielle slowly opened the door to the bathroom and walked out with her head down. She went to the far side of the bed and sat down, away from Jake. Jake sighed and stood up, moving to sit next to Brielle. Brielle flinched when Jake sat down, scared that he would hurt her again.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Jake whispered.

Brielle nodded and looked away, not believing him.

"How's your arm?" Jake questioned.

Brielle shrugged, still not looking at him.

"Brielle," Jake warned.

"Hurts," Brielle mumbled out.

"Let me see," Jake said as he took Brielle's arm into his hand.

Brielle winced at the movement.

"You stitched it?" Jake questioned surprised.

Brielle nodded.

"I'm sorry for shooting you Brielle, but you have to understand that you can't get away with slapping me like you did."

"Y-you took m-my first k-kiss!" Brielle exclaimed.

"I did, but I'm not sorry about that because you belong to me. You're my girlfriend."

"I don't belong to you. I'm not property!" Brielle spat, "and we're not even actually dating!" she continued exclaiming.

Jake chuckled darkly.

"Sweetheart, you belong to me. I control you. If you don't listen, I punish you. I am in charge of you."


Tears were once again starting to gather in Brielle's eyes. She knew that Jake was wrong, but somehow, there was some truth to that. He did discipline her when she did something that seemed wrong to him. He can control her if she allows him to.

"You were lucky I didn't kill you when I shot."

"But I wasn't lucky! You should've killed me!" Brielle cried out. Her eyes were so filled with tears that she couldn't see clearly. If she blinked, the tears would roll down her face.

"You don't want to die," Jake grunted out, dropping Brielle's arm.

"I do. Kill me!"

Jake was getting angry. He didn't want Brielle to think that way, but she was and he didn't know what to do to fix it. 

"You want to die," Jake barked out.

Brielle nodded and blinked, allowing the tears to freely cascade down her cheeks.

Jake roughly grabbed Brielle's arm that was shot and pulled her to her feet. Brielle's arm started to throb and she was scared that Jake would rip her stitches. Tears streamed down faster from the pain in her arms.

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