Chapter 13: Aftermath

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Brielle was awoken when she felt herself falling. Her arms shot out and her eyes were squeezed shut.

"Shh," Jake hushed. "You're okay. I got you."

Brielle opened her eyes and realized that her arms were around Jake's neck, clutching tightly. She then saw that Jake was trying to place her down on the bed. She relaxed as she released Jake's neck and she was on the bed that she sleeps on.

"Go back to sleep," Jake said, caressing her cheek.

Brielle shrunk in on herself, trying to get away from Jake's hand.

Brielle then saw that she was wearing a long shirt and not her dress. Her heels were no where to be found.

She shuddered as she thought of who changed her. She desperately hoped that it wasn't Jake or his dad. She wished that she hadn't fallen asleep so she could change out of dress and avoid the duo at all costs.

As she laid there, she remembered her breakdown and how embarrassing that must've been. Crying and hyperventilating in front of all those people.

She didn't even get to meet his family!

She was horrified that Jake would send her to the room for acting up.

"I-I'm sorry," Brielle whimpered, turning her head away from Jake.

"What for?" Jake asked confused.

"I-I didn't l-let your family m-meet me. I'm sorry! Please don't send me back to the room! I'm sorry. I promise. I-"

Jake cut her off. "You don't have to apologize."

Brielle was trying to hold her tears back. She didn't want Jake to be annoyed with her for all the crying. He would probably get mad and send her to the room. She couldn't deal with that again.

Jake was hurt that Brielle thinks that he would send her to the room for having a panic attack. He felt . . . devastated that Brielle would think that lowly of him. He would only put Brielle in the room for a valid reason. He wouldn't put her in there because of a breakdown. That seems utterly ridiculous to him!

"Brielle, I'm not going to put you in the room for an invalid reason. You didn't act out. It's okay."

Brielle nodded as she sniffled.

"Hey, no more of that tonight okay?"

Brielle nodded.

"P-please don't ever send me back."

"Brielle, I would never send you back. You're my girlfriend now."

"I-I mean to t-the room," Brielle said, shaking from the cold.

Jake realized this and pulled the blanket up, tucking it under her chin. He then leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"I will only send you back if you disobey me or try to escape again."

Brielle's eyes fluttered closed as her head started to pound. It was like all the fatigue had caught up with her body. She groaned as she lifted a hand to her pounding head.

"What's wrong?" Jake asked worriedly.

Brielle shook her head and turned over so that her back was facing Jake.

Brielle's breathing went even as she drifted to sleep.

Jake turned and walked out the door, closing the lights and door. He then locked the door with the key from the outside.

He turned around and starting walking towards his office.

"Son," his father called.

Jake stopped walking and turned around to see his father walking in his direction.

"Yes father?" Jake sighed.

"How is Brielle?"John asked.

"She's fine. She just fell asleep."


"In her room."

"Jake, why isn't she sleeping in your bed if she is your girlfriend?"

Jake froze, thinking of the proper response to explain the situation.

"I . . . I just thought that it would be best if she slept in a separate room because of what happened."

"Jake, my son, I think it would be best if she slept with you. She needs that comfort right now," John said, patting his son on his back as he started walking again, leaving Jake with his thoughts.

Jake knew that he had to place Brielle in his bed otherwise everyone would get suspicious. He turned around and started walking back towards Brielle's room. He unlocked the room and walked inside. He went to her bed and scooped her up in his arms.

She squirmed in his arms, getting disrupted from her sleep.

"Shh," Jake cooed.

He gently rocked her in his arms as he walked towards his room. He opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind him with his foot. He then walked towards his bed and bent down, placing Brielle on his bed.

She whined and squirmed from the movement.

Jake immediately took action and calmed her back down so she would sleep.

He then left and closed the door behind him as he made his way to his office. He sat down in the leather office chair, facing his computer. He powered it on and clicked his E-mails.

He froze once he read the message that was sent a couple minutes ago.

His blood boiled and all he could see was red.

Dear Mr. Lowan . . .


This was a short chapter!!!!!!!!

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