Chapter 33: Pretending

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Jake left the room and had his men clean up the mess as well as the disposing of the body. He didn't feel anything about the fact that John was dead. He didn't care. Why should he? John never showed him love. He acted like he didn't care. He stopped telling Jake he loved him until he was about to die. If you don't tell somebody you love them, at least show them love in some way so they know you love them. Jake believes that John said "I love you" as a last resort because maybe it would've saved him. But in the end, it didn't. Jake wouldn't have changed his mind. He realizes now that he never showed Brielle that he loved her. He had shut down his feelings for so long that it was hard to bring them to the surface until it was too late. Brielle was gone. There was no way she would be the same after everything that happened to her. It's impossible.

People change when traumatic things happen to them. Brielle was kidnapped. She saw things that not everybody can handle. She was too pure for any of that. Who knows what's going to happen to her. Jake doesn't even know if she made it home safe. All he knows is that she got on a plane and she disappeared from his life. That was it. She was gone. He might not even see her again. That pained him to think about. It was as if he had been stabbed right in the heart. Jake knew he had to shut off his emotions before somebody used them against him. In his life, it was either kill or be killed and if you wanted to survive, emotions were something you had to get rid of.

Jake shut himself down. He put on his poker face as he watched the trees zoom by. He was headed to the airport to go home. He put his thoughts about Brielle into the back of his mind. He needed to forget about her. He had no choice. He couldn't let anybody know about Brielle because if somebody other than his gang knew, they would go after her. If they got their hands on her, they'd take her and treat her way worse than Jake did. He knew Brielle wouldn't be able to handle that. She barely handled what he did to her. She barely handled what John did to her. He raped her. Branded her. His name is forever on her body. She's going to be reminded of him everyday. There was nothing she could do. Jake shook his head.

"Stop thinking," he whispered to himself, slightly frustrated.

Jake watched as they pulled up to a private jet. He was thankful they finally made it. He waited for his driver to get out and talk to the pilot as well as the flight attendants. When everything was settled, the driver opened Jake's door. Jake climbed out and went up the steps of the plane until he made it inside. He picked a seat and settled down, hoping to sleep and get some rest. He couldn't help but think that Brielle was at this airport not too long ago.

Jake closed his eyes and leaned back, waiting for the plane to take off. About thirty minutes later, they were in the air leaving a place he didn't want to come back to. He never wanted to go back. Jake then drifted off to sleep, leaving Brielle in the back of his mind for the time being.


Brielle's dad had informed the police that she was safe. They told him they needed to come down to the station.

Brielle's family was sitting in the living room. They were all sniffling except Brielle who had gotten tense. Her tears were gone. She just sat there and looked at them all. She didn't understand why they were all crying. It was their fault she was kidnapped. They probably didn't even miss her. They were just acting.

"You guys can quit the act now," Brielle said, looking around at everybody. They looked up at her, wiping their tears.

"What act, honey?" her mom asked.

"You guys don't care so stop pretending." Brielle stood up and left, making her way to her room. When she walked in, she saw her guitar. She didn't feel anything when she saw it. It was almost as if it wasn't there. She didn't care about it. She was looking forward to playing her guitar again, but now she wanted it gone. She took the guitar and placed it in its case, then she shoved it in the back of her closet. She saw her phone and picked it up, walking out of her room.

"I'm going to Bella's," Brielle said, passing her family as she walked to the front door. Brielle's dad, David, gently grabbed her arm. Brielle winced in pain as a small scream left her mouth. David looked at her with a look of confusion on his face.

"You okay?" he questioned, watching her face.

Brielle shook her arm free. "I'm fine." She glared at her dad before turning back to the door.

"You can't go to Bella's house, Brielle. We need to go up to the station."

"Why? There's no point. I'm here, aren't I?" Brielle had no emotion in her voice as she spoke.

"You can go to her house after, okay? Just please listen," Melissa, Brielle's mom, pleaded.

"Fine," Brielle sighed.

Her family stood up and put some shoes on, grabbing their jackets as they made their way out the door. Brielle followed and climbed into the car. They started driving to the police station and everyone tried to start a conversation with Brielle, but she shut everybody down. Eventually they stopped trying and drove the rest of the way in silence. Soon the car was parked outside of the station and they piled out of the car. They all surrounded Brielle as they walked to the entrance, allowing her to enter first.

"We'd like to talk to the sheriff please. Brielle has been found," David said, looking at Brielle at the end.


How was the chapter?

What do you think is going to happen?

Any thoughts?

Bye my fellow Masqueraders


Have a good day/night :)

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