Chapter 14: The Message

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After reading the message that was sent to him, Jake got up and hoped to catch his dad before he left for his drive home. He stalked out of his office and down the steps. His footsteps were booming throughout his large house.

Once he reached the first level of his house, he saw his father putting his shoes on.

"Father, we have a problem," Jake said urgently.

John quickly looked up.

"What happened?" he asked, continuing to put his shoes on.

"A threat."

"Who?" John asked, walking towards his son.

"It's for Brielle. Well its for me, but the target is Brielle."

Jake was calm and collected on the outside with no emotions in his eyes. Inside, however, Jake was freaking out. The one person he didn't want the threat to be about, it was. He was devastated, but he couldn't show it. He wouldn't show it.

"Your girl?"

Jake nodded in response.

"Show me," John commanded.

Jake turned around and walked back up the stairs. John was following closely behind. As they were making their way to Jake's office, Jake's room door opened.

Brielle stood there with the door slightly open as she rubbed her eye. She then looked up and saw John and Jake standing there, watching her. Once she saw John, she took a step back. She was also frightened that Jake would be mad at her.

"What are you doing?" Brielle quietly questioned.

John opened his mouth to speak.

"Nothing, go back to bed," Jake interrupted. His voice came out harsher than intended.

He didn't want his father to say anything to Brielle about the threat. He didn't want her to know or be scared. He wanted her happy and he knew that the only way she would truly be happy is if he let her go. Jake, on the other hand, didn't want to let her go. He wanted her by his side. He needed her by his side.

Brielle nodded and took another step back, scared that Jake would do something to her. Brielle then closed the door.

Jake sighed and continued walking down the hall, his father following behind.

As they were walking, Jake spoke, "Father, I don't want Brielle to know about this. She shouldn't have to worry."


They then walked into Jake's office. Jake walked to his chair and took a seat. John stood behind the chair and leaned forward, his hand resting on the chair.

Jake turned the computer screen to where John would see it better.

John peered at the words.

"Dear Mr. Lowan," John started, "I see you got yourself a pretty one this time. I do believe her name is Brielle. I have an interest in that young one and I kindly ask you to turn her over to me or else it won't be pretty. If you say no, I will just have to force you to say yes. I am giving you some time to make your decision. I know that you will make the right choice because if you don't, you could say bye-bye to Brielle and her family. As you may know, this is the Russian Mafia leader."

John finished reading the disturbing message. He stood straight and tall and said, "Get the men together and form a plan to take out the Russians for once and for all."

Jake turned around to face John, "But father, we don't even know how the leader of the Russians looks like. Nobody does."

"Just attack the Russians as soon as possible," John barked.

"This is Brielle's life in the line of fire. Not yours. Take them out and save your girlfriend."

Jake nodded and John left. Jake began messaging all his men to attend an emergency meeting in the morning at eight o'clock sharp.

John, however, walked towards Jake's room. He stopped in front of the door and slowly brought his hand to the doorknob. He turned the knob and pushed the door open. Brielle was laying in bed with her back facing the door. John walked into the room and closed the door behind him. John didn't know whether Brielle was awake or if she was sleeping.

He hoped for the latter.

As he walked further into the room, he could hear Brielle's steady breathing, indicating that she was asleep.

John smirked in response.

He walked until he was at the other side of the bed and looked down at the girl sleeping.

He reached his hand down and caressed her cheek, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Mio amore, Brielle," John said, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Brielle's cheek.

Brielle groaned, turned in the bed until her back was facing John.

John quietly chuckled, "anche quando dormi, mi eviti."

John stuck his hand out and began petting Brielle's hair in a soothing way.

Just then, the door to the room opened and the light turned on. John looked up alarmed and slowly pulled his hand away.

Jake looked up to see his father standing there, staring back at him.

"Father?" Jake questioned, slowly walking towards his bed.

"I just came in here to make sure she was sleeping and if she was okay," John explained.

Jake nodded in understanding.

"I was worried as well, but now there is even more to worry about with her."

John nodded in agreement with his son.

"I wonder what caused Brielle to freak out the way she did," John wondered out loud.

Jake nodded and looked down at the floor. He had an idea of what caused Brielle to act the way she did.

He was truly sorry about it, but he knows that he can't go completely soft on Brielle. She needs to know that if she tries to escape, she will be locked up. He wants to scare her until she doesn't even think about leaving.

"Well, I'm off," John said, breaking the silence.

Jake nodded and watched as his father left is room, closing the light behind him.

Jake made his way into bed and pulled the blanket up to is chin. He turned over so that he was facing Brielle and slowly fell asleep, knowing that the girl lying with him was in danger, all because of him.


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Bye my fellow Masqueraders


Have a good day/night!

P.S mio amore means my love. Anche quando dormi, mi eviti means even when you are asleep, you avoid me.

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