Chapter 30: Regret

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Maybe it was too soon for Brielle to declare her adventure "all over." If it was all over then that would mean she wouldn't think about it. She would move on with her life. She would live her life and try to be happy. She would find somebody to love, but none of that was happening. The entire plane ride home she continuously thought about everything that happened. She replayed the moments over and over again until she wanted to rip her hair out. She wanted to scream out loud until her lungs couldn't take it anymore. 

She refused to cry. She wouldn't allow herself to no matter how much she wanted to let it all out. She just couldn't. It seemed . . . wrong, in a way. She knew that she had the right to be sad and upset and devastated and broken, but something was stopping her from bursting out and crying right then and there. 

Maybe it was the fact that she was surrounded by people or maybe it was because she didn't want to admit to herself that what happened actually happened. If she cried it would seem like reality. She wasn't ready for that. She didn't think that she ever would be. 

Brielle didn't know how long the plane ride lasted. She didn't eat anything on the flight. She lost her appetite and she didn't know when she would get it back. If it ever came back. She couldn't even remember the last time she ate. It felt like ages ago.

The more Brielle thought about her kidnapping, the more she realized that it was her family's fault it happened in the first place. If they remembered her and brought her food, she wouldn't have gone to the grocery store. She wouldn't have been attacked and then kidnapped. It wasn't her fault. It wasn't Jake's fault or John's fault. It was all her family. 

That realization hit Brielle in a different way. It hurt more than the raping and the branding and the kidnapping and the torture. It hurt more than everything combined. Why? Because she realized that her family didn't love her. She liked to make herself believe that they did and that they just had a different way of showing it, but it's not true. It never was and it never will be. She doesn't need their love. She doesn't need them. She would do perfectly fine if they weren't in her life. She would be better than fine. That was something she now believed.  

Brielle didn't remember if she fell asleep on the plane ride or not. All she remembers is getting on the plane and seeing Jake for the last time. Maybe he does actually love me, Brielle thought. She then thought about everything he did to her. All the pain and tears that were caused by him. 

Brielle knew that she could never forget this chapter in her life. She was just going to have to live with it.


Jake turned away from the door that lead to the airplane after Brielle was out of sight. He couldn't believe that he let her go. He couldn't believe that he hurt her. He made her cry. He did anything but make her happy. Now he has to live with the consequences.

Jake tried not to think of Brielle being gone. He tried to act like it didn't affect him. That's all he was doing. Acting. Pretending. That's all he could do. There's nothing else. Brielle was gone and there was no going back. No way that he could turn back time and treat her right. But Jake knows that Brielle deserves better. 

Maybe if he had treated her like the most important thing in his life then she wouldn't have left. Maybe if he didn't hurt her and and take her away from her family then he could've been with her. He wants to blame his dad because maybe if John didn't take Brielle and rape her and brand her then maybe, just maybe he could've fixed everything. But that's all everything is. It's a possibility. It's a maybe. 

Jake knows that he can't make everything completely okay, but he does know that he can get even more revenge on John. He can't hurt him and traumatize him just like he did to Brielle. John might be biologically related to Jake and be his father, but family doesn't turn on each other. They are there through thick and thin and they stab each other in the back. If they do, they aren't family. John isn't his family. John is dead to Jake. 

Jake left the airport as quickly as he could. He needed out. He felt suffocated. Once he was out of the airport, he went to his car and started the engine. He blasted the air conditioning to hopefully get rid of the sweat that formed. He reversed out of his parking spot and made his way through the lot. Jake got to the exit and zoomed onto the road. 

He was trying his best to forget Brielle. He knows he can't be weak. People will use that against him. Jake needs to put the past behind him and carry on with his life. 

Before long, he arrived at the Russian house where John was kept. He parked his car and stepped out of the vehicle, walking up the driveway.

He was going to finish what he started. 


Another chapter!!!!!!!!

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What's going to happen next?

The story is almost over which is sad, but on the bright side, I can write different stories which is exciting.

Bye my fellow Masqueraders


Have a good day/night

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