Chapter: 20

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"Here are your orange juice" she says and places in front of both of us. While she places it Infront of me, she spills all over my blouse. I sit their shockingly for few seconds. Oh no!!that was my favourite white blouse.

"I'm so sorry Mam. I didn't mean to do it intentionally" she smirks at me as she faces her back at Aiden. At that time I know she did it intentionally.

"Hey, are you okay? Here" he hands me some tissues to wipe up the mess present on the blouse. I take the tissues from him.

"Yeah!!! I'm good. I'll just go get clean up and come" I say and walk towards the washroom. Oh noo,this was my favourite blouse. I even doubt if the stain can be removed. The juice has soked almost on the front part of my blouse, making it look like transparent. I'll try dry clean.
"Hope it, gets cleaned by it" I talk to myself while cleaning.

"It was just the pretty white blouse this time"I look up in the mirror to see the waiter standing near the door. "Next time you better watch it. STAY AWAY FROM HIM" she warns with anger evident in her eyes.

I don't know why I challenge her, before I can restraint the words were out of my mouth "Bring it on blondie" I say my voice stronger and staring hard at her.

"Bitch" she snarles and rushes towards me, grasping my upper arm tightly as her nails dig into my skin. "Didn't you hear me at what I just told told you"

"Get your hands off me and y--" I'm cut off when she is dragged backwards forcefully.

"Mia" shout Aiden at the waitress. "Don't you dare touch her. Just get out or I'll call Shelly now" he says angrily. She sees the anger in his eyes and leaves but not before staring at me sending the message that this isn't over.

"Hey, are you alright? I'm so sorry you had to go through things" he asks me feeling sorry and concerned.

"Hey, I'm alright, don't worry" I say and he removes my hand that was covering the left upper arm, which I was covering unknowingly.

"Oh shit!!! That is a dark mark. I'm so sorry" he apologizes again.

"Wow, bad boy's soft side is uncovering huh" I tease him. To which he smiles at me shaking his head. "Don't worry. I'm okay" I smile.

We head out of the restaurant and walk towards the car. He opens the door for me and I slide in.

Before he closes the door "Give me a minute. I'll be right back" he says smiling politely and walks back into the restaurant.

I wouldn't have felt weird but when I see Aiden and Shelly talking, it seemed like a heated conversation, where Aiden drawing his fingers through his hair something that showed he was pressurised about something and to which Shelly rubs his arm as a calming gesture.

Aiden comes back, walking around the car.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask as he settles on the driver seat.

"Yeah, uhh nothing much. Forgot about the bills" he says smiling at me.

"Ookay" I say, not convinced by his reason. The drive goes in silence. Him looking at the door, his tight hold on steering wheel. I stay quit. Half of me wanting to know what is going on in his head and other half, I don't want him to think I'm poking nose in his life.

I cover my left upper arm. I don't want my mom to see these. She will be panicked unnecessarily.

Yes, she has become overprotective after the incident.

The car comes to halt.

I pick up my hoodie and phone. "Thank you so much Aiden, I needed this a lot" I nod my head smiling at him.

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