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Her sass kills!

Song suggestion:  Feels by Calvin Harris

I smile as she walks up to me with a blank expression

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I smile as she walks up to me with a blank expression. THE more I get this kind of treatment, the more she urges me to get her. To own her.

Opening the door of the car myself, I try hard to show my manner to her. She stands before me and says, "only if you move I could follow you. "

I smile again and step back more to let her in but my bad, her meaning is different. I turn only to find her car stop behind me. She raises her eyebrow and smiles at me victoriously.

"I would rather like to move with you beside me. Angelina Hawthorne gets in the car, please. " My vigor seems to have touch skies and rather than being angry I am enjoying her flighting over where she would sit.

"In your dreams. "She mumbles and struts to her car. Sighing, I walk behind her and slip into her car after her.

She doesn't say anything to me but curses under her breath.

"This way or that you will find me, Love. " I whisper in her ear and sit back while she looks away and out of the window.

"Ellsworth hotel. "I instruct the driver.

"How bad, you broke your rule for a woman like me. What a shame! " She snickers and waits for me to reply to her.

I laugh lightly and began, "Yeah, for a woman like you. No wonder. " My words signaling of her highly made her dumb and she just runs through her mind to throw me something but couldn't. So she turns away from me again.

"Is your ass of a brother bothering you all the time? " I ask her.

Her head snaps at me.

"Do. Not. Ever. Talk about him like that. And that's none of your business."She warns and her I smile at her nose turning pink.

"Do. Not. Smile. Get it? " She points me warily.

"Okay. " I simply say and she relaxes.

"I have seen you do so much for him. And I have also seen him disrespect you. You deserve better. " I say meaning each and every word.

She relaxes further and look away and didn't say anything. I remember how he humiliated her in public yelling how she killed her parents.

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