Supercorp's daughter

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Kara hugs Lena from behind, sobbing and apologizing.

"Don't walk away. Let me explain. Please." Kara begs.

Lena unwraps Kara's hands around her torso.

"You better have a good explanation."

Kara gulps and opens her mouth but nothing comes out.

Lena raises her eyebrows.

"Start talking. Now or never."

"His name is Mon-El. He's my ex boyfriend back in highschool. No, I don't have feelings for him, not anymore." Kara pauses. "I want a kid."

"Yes, I'm aware. You're not exactly fond at the idea of adoption."

"They're not biologically mine." Kara counters.

"We live in 21st century. There are another way, such as IUI and IVF. We already find the perfect sperm donor that has physical apperances like you. I would carry a child that will look like you, myself or a mix of us."

"I decide to take the most practical way because none of those methods work." Kara says.

"What do you mean?" Lena asks.

"Mon-el and I, we have sex."

Lena gasps.

"I asked for his help and he's okay with it. We did it with no strings attached." Kara explained.

"When did it start?"

"About three months ago." Kara answers.

"Why are you still meeting with him?"

"Because it failed, the first time. So, we tried for the second. Turns out, third time is the charm. I'm pregnant."

Lena slaps Kara.

"I am your wife, Kara. We are partners in life. When we face obstacles in our life, we team up to overcome them. You didn't ask for my opinion. You went behind my back. You cheated on me."

"Would you let me have sex with another man if I asked?"

"Would you?" Lena challenges her wife. "I am deeply in love with you. I would do anything in my power to give what you want. But you just have to attack me by being a woman who cannot give you a child. Fuck you. Fuck that man. Fuck that unborn baby." Tears streaming down Lena's face.

"I never meant to hurt you. I realize how wrong, stupid and selfish I am. Please forgive me." Kara kneels in front of Lena.

"You crossed a line. And I can never trust you again." Lena wipes her tears. "I hope I never see you again." Lena pulls off her wedding ring, tosses it to the ground and walks out the door. She never looks back.


L-Corp's lab

Lena opens the door and turns on the light. The room is quite small full with scientific machines and tools. An incubator is placed in the middle of the room, inside there is a tiny human.

The beautiful baby sleeps adorably. A pout is plastered on her face. She yawns and opens her eyes. Blue eyes just like Kara's.

"Hello Lori. How are you today? Mama missed you."

The baby smiles when she sees Lena's face.

"Today should be the time I introduce you to Kara. I wish your other mother can meet you but after all she's done; it'd be better if she knows nothing about you. I am a woman and a scientist. After numerous times of trials and errors, I've found a way to fertilize a woman's egg with cells from any part of human body; a woman's body. Lori, you are Supercorp's daughter."

P.S @fateavelar this is the continuation 😀

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