Beautiful Hate(Joker love story)

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Once upon a time there was a girl. Who was sad. You see she was never noticed,never seen. Until he came along.Here is the story of the girl outspoken.
    "Christabelle!Time for school!" I hear my mother scream up the stairs. I sigh and get off my bed. I go to my dresser and pick up grey skinny jeans, black shirt,and blood red converse. I pull my cloths on and head downstairs and out the door. I live in New York. High crime rate, mob bosses, you know the norm. I've gotten used to it. I go out the door and walk outside to go to school. I was a junior in high school. I passed a storefront and looked at my appearance. Black hair with a purple stripe going through the side bangs that hang over my right eye, blue eyes, pale skin. I was invisible,a ghost. It was then that I noticed that I stopped in front of a display of TVs. I look at the TVs and noticed a man that looked like a clown. The Joker. Apparently he was a new criminal. I shrug and walk on to school. After about third period the alarm starts going off.
     "Intruder!Intruder!" We hear our teacher yell into the intercom before he gets cut off. We all hit the floor and cower. What is going on?
As I grin down at the dead man in front of me I laugh.I don't know why I decided to break into a school. But then I suppose it was fun scaring teenagers. I walk to a door down the hall and break it down. I step in and raise my gun.
    "Come out and join me!" I yell into the room. The teenagers hurry and get out from under the desk. I look around the room until I see a girl with a dark purple stripe in her hair. She was beautiful. Long black hair, blue eyes and pale skin.I grin and walk up to her."Hello.I LOVE your hair."I say to her.She looks at me.
    "Thank you.I like yours too." She says while looking at my green hair. I'm shocked. Most people would be cowering in fear by now. Hmmm.......Maybe I would keep this one.

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