chapter 5

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The Joker takes me home and gives me one last kiss before he drives away. I walk into my house and see my mother, Batman,and Gordon. I know Gordon because my mom knows his wife and we go over to dinner sometimes.

"Christabelle! Oh my baby!" My mom wails then lunges at me. She holds me to her and sobs.

"Mom.....I can't breath." I tell her in between what breathe I can get. She lets go and sits back down on the couch.

"Christabelle,how did you get away?" Batman asks. I look over to him and know I can't tell him anything. He would try to catch Joker and I would never see him again.

"One of his goons talked back so he went up to him and shot him. I used that time to escape. The other goons had already fled the room to avoid him." I tell him. I can tell he doesn't completely believe me but he has no prove I was lying.

"I'm glad to see you made it out alive Bells." Gordon tells me. He's the only one I allow to call me Bells. I smile and hug him. He was like the uncle I never had. I draw back and go to my room. I was sleepy.
I drive back to the hideout with a big smile on my face. A real smile. I can't believe I already love her. I've only known her for like two or three days. But I don't care. I get to the hideout and walk inside. In the living room I see that I have visitors. Jonathan Crane,Riddler,Catwoman,Poison Ivy,and Bane.

"Is there a reason you're all in my living room?" I ask them while raising an eyebrow.

"We wanted to know if we could stay here and were gonna ask you. But when we got here you weren't here." Crane says while looking at me.

"I was dropping of my.....well i suppose you could call her my girlfriend." I tell them while leaning against the wall.

"You have a girlfiend? After you killed Harley we all thought you would give up woman." Ivy says while looking at me surprised. I killed Harley cause she was getting annoying. I didn't really love her anyway. I just used her to escape Arkham.

"Yeah her name is Christabelle. Shes eighteen."I tell them. I can't help but be happy that I'm only five years older then her. I'm 23 so that's one less thing I have to worry about. "You guys can stay, just stay out of my room." I tell them the I go to my room and think about Christabelle.
Its been four days since I've last seen the Joker. I miss him like crazy. It was now Friday and mom was going to some party one of her friends is having. I get home from school and go up to my room.....and see Joker sitting there on my bed. I smile and jump at him. He laughs and holds me close. I draw back and he kisses me. I snuggle up with him and for hours just talk to him. Then I get a call from Gordon.

"Whats up Gordon?"I ask him. he never calls this late.

"Bells....its your mom.....she was in an accident.....she didn't make it....I'm sorry."He says. I freeze then drop my phone. Tears start pouring down my face.

"Christabelle?" I hear the Joker say. I look at him and see that he looks concerned.

"My mom....s-she died...." I manage to choke out. He gets up and starts packing my cloths and pictures,my iPod and all of my converses. "Joker?What are you doing?" I ask him.

"You're gonna come and stay with me. You need someone right now,someone who will help you through this. "He tells me before leaving the room with the two bags. He comes back later and picks me up. He brings me to the van and sets me in the passenger seat before sitting in the drivers seat. When we arrive he somehow opens the door to the hideout with me in his arms.

"Hey Joker whats going on?" I hear a voice ask before I fall asleep.

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