Leggy fluff

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Request from FortuneTea sorry if it's bad. I tried.

Lafayette's POV

"Peggy I need help!" I yell out to my girlfriend as I attempt to drag in at least 8 bags of clothes. She walks in with a smirk on her face, "Why in the hell did you buy all of those clothes?" "Because if you haven't noticed I care a lot about my clothes." I decide to joke around with her a bit. "Obviously you wouldn't know anything about that since you wear the same color almost everyday."

She breathes out a fake gasp, "First of all yellow is iconic, second of all fuck you!" "Well you kind of done that already-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence before she's screaming at the top of her lungs, "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID ASS FRENCH FUCKING FRY! DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EVEN WORTHY OF MY PRESENCE!" She tries to fake an angry face failing miserably. I walk up to her and boop her in the nose, "So cute."

She groans loudly and grabs four of the bags, helping me carry them up the stairs to our bedroom. "Jesus Christ what is with all of this purple and blue?" "I like both because purple means royalty which is moi, and blue means wisdom and loyalty." She thinks about it for a minute, "Oh yeah what does yellow mean?" I figured she would say that. "It means happiness and optimism, which is what you are."Aww stop I know yellow is the best you didn't have to tell me!" And of course she ruined the moment.

"Yo I just got the craziest idea." I turn to face her and sees that she has her phone in her hand. "After we finish putting away your clothes, how about we have a competition?" Hmmm competition huh? "What kind of competition do you speak of?" "We sneak over to John and Alex's place, and whoever can get the most pictures before getting kicked out gets to be called the holy mighty shipper for a week." There's no way I'm losing.

"Deal?" She holds her and out to shake. "Traiter." I say with a smirk.

There was supposed to be smut but that chapter is still a work in progress so have some fluff instead.

Trashcan out 🗑

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