Tag Time: Episode 5

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Hi all James Charles he-

*Rewinds cassette tape*

What do you mean that wasn't a sincere apology!

*Look towards camera*

Oh uh you guys are still here... uhm...

How about we get started with the next episode of tag time

Tag Time is brought to you by ultimateship101

1. Brieyanna (I'm not saying my last name but my middle name is Lee)

2. The Smartphone Hour (Rich Set a Fire)

3. No one (forever sad and alone🙃)

4. Heathers, Hamilton, 21 Chump Street, and Be More Chill

5. I came to Wattpad because I was scrolling through the Play Store looking for games and shit when I saw Wattpad, downloaded it, learned to use it and heere we are

6. Smart, Caring, Trash, Anti-social (My phone auto corrected to anti-gay and I am not happy) idiot, and forgetful.

7. George Salazar

8. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) it hasn't been a week has it

9. Pan_AtTheDisco macaronislut explozive CanineKing4 walkjnginfection   ( I only have 6 oops)

10. In 6th grade my class and I went to Washington D.C. and while on the bus my friend realized she lost her phone we were in the hotel parking lot when she told me. So being the nice friend that I am, I told her I would stay back and help her look for it.

Time skip to 5 minutes later we found her phone in the trash bag we were using and everything was good. Let's just say she got a little too excited and forgot about the little gap between the two sets of steps.

She fell and rolled all the way down the steps and on to the ground. I tried my hardest to not laugh because earlier that day I almost fell down those steps and she laughed. Not only was I trying not to laugh, but our English teacher was trying his best to hold it in.

Let's just say she told me if I mentioned it to anyone I was dead to her but we're still cool.

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