The VSCO boy Part 2 (Lams Crack)

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Alex's POV

I have a confession to make...I am no longer a vsco boy. The vsco clan is now dead 💀.

RIP to all vsco girls and boys.

Anyway as I was saying I have now switched over to a retro aesthetic because it seemed nice... and it is. As you know my boyfriend John was an e-boy and unfortunately he still is😔.

"Alex!" Oh look that's him now. "Yeah John?" "Have you seen my- that my new hat?" I look in the mirror to see his new hat🤠 on my head that looks really good by the way. "" He begins to smirk, he knows that I'm lying🤥. "My name is on the phone inside of that hat Lex." I take my off the hat and look inside, well shit.

"Well would you look at're name John Laurens in fancy handwriting. Doesn't it look nice Johnny?" "Give me my hat Lex." "I did try this time." "Yeah but you didn't try hard enough now give me the hat."

"" He gives me one of those stern parent looks, "Alexander give me the hat."

"...👁👄👁 do I have to?"

"You know that doesn't work on me Alex now give me the hat." "Ugh fine." I give the hat to John who takes it and puts the hat on his head. "But I looked good in it John!" "He grabs his keys off of the dresser and walks back towards me and give me a kiss on the cheek. "Of course you did babe." And    with that he leaves out hopefully to get some food."

"I love my e-boy boyfriend💕."


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