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Hi guys!

I just wanted to let those of you who didn't know already know that the AU version of Knox's Girl is now up on both Wattpad and Inkitt and is nearly finished (for those of you who - like me - don't have the patience to wait for updates haha).


YA GIRL IS JUST ABOUT FINISHED COMPLETELY REVAMPING THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF THIS BOOK!!! By revamping I mean that I went through and did some MAAAAAJOR editing on this book! My writing has significantly improved since I've published this book back when I was a wee baby senior in high school. Now, as a junior in college (pray for us nursing students, we aren't doing okay), my writing is so much more well-rounded and put together. I can't tell you how many times I smacked myself in the damn face rereading this book - THE TIMELINE WAS A WHOLE ASS MESS THAT TOOK ME WAY TOO LONG TO FIX. 

WITH THAT BEING SAID - THE MAIN PLOTS AND EVENTS HAVE NOT CHANGED!! What I did was basically improve the writing, added much more detail (especially to the smutty scenes because we love an explicit sister), fixed any and all major grammatical errors and PLOT HOLES (for those who were hella confused by some of them - me too), and also made the characters more dimensional and realistic!! WOOO WE LOVE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. 

I'M SO IN LOVE WITH HOW THE EDITED CHAPTERS HAVE TURNED OUT AND I CANNOT WAIT TO SHARE IT WITH YA'LL! This story is my ultimate first love and I'm so glad I was finally able to give her the editing she truly deserved (and needed if we're keeping it 100).

WHEN CAN YOU EXPECT TO READ THE EDITED VERISON?: I have about nine chapters left to edit, so once those are done I will upload them all HERE (on the ORIGINAL book) all at once - YES THAT MEANS NO WAITING. I HIGHLY suggest giving the book a reread once all the edited chapters are uploaded because while it's still the same story we all know and (hopefully?) love, I've improved it 2274987498327 times and I'm so proud of it (but also ashamed at past me for thinking this was gold material??? cause this certainly wasn't it cheif lol). 

I love you all oodles and oodles, 

- K xoxo

Knox's Girl (Carmichael Series #1)✔️Where stories live. Discover now