Chapter three

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I just blink at them all before shaking my head. Tears sting my eyes making me close them for a second. "I know, it's a lot to take in." Sam says, who is Dean's younger brother.

"That's not it." I shake my head looking at him. "Why would you lie like that?"

"Elle," I look to Bobby still shaking my head. Tears now falling from my eyes.

"Especially you. I trusted you, and you helped me so. You're like a father to me," I cover my face with my hands. Sobs wreck through me as my son is taken and these men just lied about who could have taken him. I jump feeling someone else enter the room. My eyes look to see a man in a black suit with a tie and a trench coat on top of it.

"Okay, I'm leaving." I stand up as I choke the words out. I try to walk out, but the guy in the trench coat stops me as he stands in front of me.

"It's all true. Demons, angels, all monsters, and ghosts. I am an angel of the lord and my name is Castiel." He says his voice raspy.

"How do you expect me to believe that?" I take a step back. He quickly takes a knife on the desk next to him, and stabs it into my stomach. I scream my hands flying to the spot as it burns like hell. I hunch over to cover the wound as he takes the knife out.

Dean and Sam jump up coming to my aid yelling at Castiel. Dean holds me putting pressure on my wound. I can't process anything as my eyes take in the blood soaking my light gray tee shirt.

"Let me heal her." Castiel pushes Sam away. He comes over to me, but I try to get away only making me bleed more. Dean holds me close and tight as Castiel rests his hand on my head. I gasp feeling a weird feeling flow through me, and I feel my wound healing. He steps back making me blink my eyes feeling better than ever. My eyes widen as I look from Dean to Castiel.


"See I'm an angel." Castiel says.

"You stabbed me!" Dean gives me a tight squeeze before letting me go.

"Cass, a word?" Dean stands up. He walks out of the house followed by Castiel. I look to Bobby with wide eyes fear still in my body. I take my seat again not knowing what else to do.

Everything is real!

"Elle?" Bobby tries nervously.

"It's all real." I whisper. Sam and Bobby share a worried look. "How can I get my son back?" I ask looking between the two of them.

"We're going to find a way." Sam says. My eyes go wide looking at him.

"What happens I-"

"Elle stop, " Bobby cuts me off. "We will find Dax. I sure as hell won't stop looking for him, and Sam and Dean aren't going to either." He vows. I just nod my head not knowing what else to do. My right hand subconsciously moves to where Castiel has stabbed me.

"Okay." I whisper.

"Dean said your friend was acting weird." Sam says. I nod my head looking to him.

"Yeah, she came over yesterday to wish me a happy birthday. She just seemed really off and was snapping at me. So, I kicked her out." I shrug off. Sam's eyebrows furrow in thought as he looks to Bobby.

"Do you know this friend?"

"Not really. She doesn't like me." He says.

"It's whatever." I brush off.

"Um Elle," Sam says making me blink looking towards him. I move my hand away as I bring it to my lap. I feel my eyes widen as I look between Bobby and Sam.

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