Chapter six

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I open my eyes to Daxton frowning at me. I sigh thinking back to last night. I should have gone after Dean, but I didn't. "What's wrong Dax?" I ask hugging him to me. He cries into my chest, which turns into a screaming cry. I sit up holding him and rock him.

"Dax? Baby, what's wrong?" I ask urgently as he continues his screaming cries.

"No!" He screams. Dean barges into the room followed by Sam and Bobby. Each of them holds a gun ready for an intruder. They take in the room and lower their weapons.

"What happened?" Dean demands.

"I don't know." I say pulling Daxton away from my chest to look at his face. His tear stained cheeks break my heart. "Baby what's wrong?"

"They take daddy!" He screams. I look to Dean, and he comes over and sits on the bed.

"Dax," Dean tries. Daxton looks towards Dean and jumps to him. I watch as my little boy clings to his father wanting to make sure he is really there, and won't leave him.

"Daddy! People black eyes said." He gets out rushed as he buries his face into Dean's shirt.

"Shh," Dean holds Daxton to him trying to calm Daxton down. "I'm right here, and those things got what they deserved. You are safe here with your mommy, Bobby, Sam and I." Dean says. I feel a tear leave my eye at the sight.


"Shh, Dax everything is fine." Dean says. I look to Sam and he just offers a small smile.

"Dax, what did they tell you?" He asks coming closer. Daxton pulls way from Dean to look at Sam. Wiping his eyes he goes to speak as Dean shoots a glare at Sam.

"They want my daddy." He says choking up a little bit. I watch Dean tense, but I leave it alone.

"Is that all?"

"Sam." Bobby warns.

"There more." I bite my lip looking between all three men.

"We are fine though, Dax. Don't worry." Bobby says making Daxton breathe with a smile. He snuggles into Dean more making Dean look to me.

"What?" He looks away down to Daxton before sighing.

"Dax, are you hungry?" Daxton perks up nodding his head eagerly. Dean gives a small smile as he stands and walks out of the room. I look to Sam lost by Dean's attitude.

"Just roll with it. He doesn't know what to do or feel right now." Sam sighs. "He seemed pretty weird when he came back down last night. What happened?" I bite my lip not knowing if I should say anything.

"Um nothing bad." I shrug getting up. I throw a sweatshirt on over my tee shirt and head towards the door. I see Bobby has already left leaving Sam and I. I gulp not knowing what Sam could possibly say to me.

"Elle, just be careful." He says. I raise an eyebrow unsure of his words.

"What do you mean?"

"With Dean. I know he isn't going to leave Dax out of his life, but I don't want you to get too attached. This job doesn't call for a family life, not like the one you want." With that he walks out the door. I sigh and follow after him as his words echo in my head.

As soon as I get to the bottom of the stairs I flip my hair to collect it and flip back bringing it into a bun. I use my hair tie and tie my bun to make sure it will stay up. My brown hair with highlights is just longer than my shoulders making me put it up constantly.

"Mommy!" I look over to see someone has changed Daxton into another flannel outfit making me smile. He wears a black flannel and black tee shirt, like Dean did yesterday, and wears dark jeans and boots with it. I'm glad I packed him clothes so that he had some when we got him.

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