Chapter nine

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I hold Daxton to me as I walk around the training place the guy has. We are here to pick up our dog, and learn the commands in order to have the dog take action. After hearing everything and seeing it in action, and trying the commands myself, the guy said I can meet our dog.

"So we are coming up to your dog over here, his name is Zeus." The guy says as we come up to the last kennel. I look in there to see Zeus just laying there with his head up. He stands up shakes his fur before panting happily and coming up to the gate.

"Big." Daxton says making me laugh as well as the guy. The guy who runs this program with these dogs is Bill. He is a very big animal lover and got fascinated with the breed of the giant schnauzer, and started breeding and training.

"Yes, he is a big boy. He was the smallest in the litter though." Bill adds making me shocked. He opens the door and Zeus comes out greeting us happily, and gently. I put Daxton down, and Zeus sniffs him before licking his face.

"So, he knows all of the same commands?" I ask looking to Daxton and Zeus playing. Daxton runs and Zeus follows him in their little game.

"Yes, he is three and has been training a lot since he was a few months old. As soon as you give him a command he goes into that state of mind. He has been trained in a house invasion scenario and a car highjack as well."

"Oh wow."

"Its for him to know what a real life situation is like to know that even if you call his name in a time like that he will react." I nod my head looking to the two and smile.

"Well, looks like they get along." He laughs in agreement.

"Yeah, he is the perfect family dog and protector." I nod my head smiling and then look back to Bill.

"So, we just take him home?" I wonder if I can feel safe now at home.

"Yes, just have to do the paperwork first."

"Okay. Dax, Zeus lets go." I look to see them both come my way making me happy. I hold Daxton's hand as we follow Bill inside to do the paperwork to bring Zeus home. After getting everything sorted out we walk to the car Daxton holding one hand and a leash in the other.  We go to the pet store quick to get necessary things dogs need. The drive back luckily is not bad, and once home I let Zeus explore his new home.

I let him in the back to go to the bathroom, and to let him explore the fenced in backyard. Once he runs back into the house I close the door. Luckily while he was outside I got all his stuff in order in the house. He has a bed in the living room and his food and water bowl are in the kitchen by the back door.

I watch as Daxton goes to play with his toy cars and Zeus circles his bed before laying down watching Daxton. I smile at that knowing Zeus will protect us from the bad that is in this world. He lifts his head looking to the front door making me nervous. I watch as he stands and walks towards the door cocking his head to the side. A knock sounds on the door making me jump, but I get up meeting Daxton's eyes.

"Dax, dinning room." He gets up and runs over to it as I get the door. "Zeus sit." He does as I say giving me room at the door. I open the door shocked to see Sam. I open the door wider looking to the driveway, and don't see Dean's car. It's an old one from Bobby's lot.

"Hi, come in." I say moving aside.

"You have a dog?" Sam asks looking to Zeus.

"Yeah I got him today, he is a guard dog." I shrug as Sam walks by me. I shut the door looking to Zeus, who watches Sam closely. "Good boy." I pet his head, and he walks off to go find Daxton.

"Where is Dax?" As soon as he says that Daxton comes running with Zeus trotting behind him.

"Unkey Sam!" Sam laughs picking the running boy up in his arms.

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