Chapter sixteen

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I hold a mug of hot chocolate finding peace in the quiet. Zeus lays on his bed napping away the afternoon. Bobby took Dax to his place because he had something to show him, but I know it's probably to visit him.

It's been a few weeks since I've seen him, and it's been hard. Daxton talks about him all the time, but has slowly stopped this past week. I think he knows it makes me sad.

I sigh taking my last sip before stopping feeling nauseous. I run to the bathroom and empty my stomach. I groan as I sit back realizing I must have caught something. I call Bobby hoping he'll answer.

"Elle, are you okay?"

"Eh, I think I've come down with like a stomach bug. Can Dax spend like a night or two there?" I ask my eyes closing feeling it again.

"Oh of course. Um do you have a temperature? I can come take care of you or send someone to." Bobby starts.

"You don't have to." I groan leaning towards the toilet.

"Nope I will, don't worry he'll be there in a little." I yawn nodding my head.

"Okay." I hang up before standing as the wave leaves me. I stand up flushing the toilet before heading upstairs. I brush my teeth to clean my mouth before I crawl into my bed. I yawn as I lay on my left side and close my eyes.

I open my eyes at Zeus barking. I groan getting up wrapping my throw blanket around me before heading down stairs. I look out the peep hole and frown seeing Sam standing there with two bags in his hands. I open the door forcing a smile.

"Hey, Bobby told me to come." I just sigh nodding my head as I move away. Sam walks in shutting the door behind him as I head back upstairs.

"Thanks." I say as I climb the stairs. I feel him follow me as he gives off awkwardness. I reach my room and crawl into my bed yawning again.

"Did you take your temp?" Sam asks putting the bags down. I feel Zeus jump on the bed laying on his own side.

"No. I hung up and then fell asleep." I yawn. Sam nods his head sitting in the chair by my bed. He faces me and I can see him thinking.

"I'll go get your thermometer, where is it?"

"Bathroom, bottom drawer." I mumble closing my eyes. I hear him get up and go to the bathroom. One drawer opens before closing and another one opens.

"Here." He says giving it to me. I open my eyes taking it, and putting it in my mouth and under my tongue. I watch him look uneasy making my eyebrows come together.

"Elle, what is this?" I look at his hand to see a pregnancy test. I gulp as the beeping on the thermometer starts. I take it out and see I have no temp.

"That's a negative pregnancy test."

"Why do you have it?" Sam asks sitting on the bed. I sigh rolling my eyes at him being crazy.

"I was feeling weird last week, so I took it." I shrug off. "You know, like feeling somewhat different, but I still do even though it's negative. Maybe it's just depression." I sigh putting the thermometer on the nightstand.

"Elle, have you taken another one?" He asks.

"Why would I need to? That one is negative." I point out before laying back down. I put my legs over Sam's lap.

"You never know, Elle." He sighs.

"I can't do this again Sam. It's not happening again, so don't worry about it."

"How can you not? You just threw up and you seem to be very drained of energy."  I roll my eyes.

"Oh what would you know?"

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