Chapter seven

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After I put pillows on either side of Daxton I head down stairs. He has finally gone down for a nap. Sam has been entertaining him along with myself as Dean and Bobby have been having a heated discussion. I sit on the couch putting my feet on Sam's lap.

He's been really nice and is easy to talk. He is like the older brother I wish I had. Mine took my parents' side after I told them about Daxton. I frown thinking back to it, which gains Sam's attention.

"What's wrong?" He asks. I look to him raising an eyebrow. "Why are you frowning?"

"Oh, I was just thinking about my brother." I shrug off as easily as I can. He frowns at that resting his hand on my shin.

"What happened?" I bite my lip unsure if I should answer. "I mean unless you don't want to talk about it." He says rubbing his hand soothingly on my leg.

"It's okay. I have an older brother, but he took my parents' side when they dropped me." I don't cry having no tears for him left. I can still see the disgusted look on there faces when I told them.

"Wow, I'm sorry Elle. I really am." I give him a small smile nodding my head.


"How long has it been since you've seen him?" I sigh resting my head on the back of the couch.

"Like two years, a little longer." He nods his head staying quiet.

"Did Dax go down easily?" He asks changing the subject, which I'm glad for.

"As easy as he could go with calling for Dean every few minutes. I kinda wish I didn't tell him." The honest words leave my mouth easily as I look down to my lap.

"Why say that?"

"Dean isn't going to stick around. I know that. Dax is only going to get broken when we go back on our owns." I look him in the eyes seeing him internally fighting with something.

"What makes you think that?"

"Dean doesn't want him Sam. Can't you see the way he doesn't want to be around him, or me?"

"That's not it." He shakes his head sighing. "He doesn't know how to live that life. Dean doesn't know how to be a father, and frankly he's been trying a lot more than you think." I look at Sam shocked.


"You may think he is trying to stay away from you two, but it's him fighting with himself to be around you."

"Really?" My voice is quiet.

"Yes. Give him a chance Elle." I bite my lip looking away. "I'm not saying fall for him or have him fall for you. I'm just saying give him a chance to be in Dax's life." I nod my head hearing his words even if they confuse me.

"Sammy we are going hunting tomorrow." Dean says coming in. He raises an eyebrow at how we are sitting, but let's it go as he looks to Sam with a clenched jaw.


"Yeah. There is a case and we are getting on it." He then looks to me. "Where is the kid?" I give him a look crossing my arms over my chest.


"What?" He sounds bored and confused.

"The kid has a name, and he's not just a kid." I state. "You can take your annoyance or whatever out on me, but don't refer our son to the kid." I stand up and walk outside needing some air.

I get to one of the old cars here and sit on the hood. I sigh looking up into the afternoon sky. I close my eyes trying to take myself back to when everything was easier. When monsters weren't real to me. When Daxton didn't know his father.

A Hunter's Sonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें