Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

I smiled as I watched Marcus play the guitar, as Adam and Chase, were jamming out next to me in the school hallway.

"Oh, sweet! Look at your fingers go! It's like each one has a little brain of its own." Adam commented, making me laugh and Marcus flashed a grinned at me.

"Thanks. You know, you guys are the only people who have talked to me at this school. I hate being the new kid." Marcus tells us and he walked near me a little.

"Yeah, we used to be the new kids that no one talked to. Now we're just the vaguely familiar kids that no one talks to." Chase informed Marcus. Adam went for a high five with Chase, but Chase didn't take it so I high fived Adam and he laughed.

"Hey, peeps. What's the deal-io?" Leo asked as he walked over, smiling.

"Hi. I'm Marcus." Marcus introduced himself to Leo.

"I know. We have gym together. And study hall. And also chemistry. We're lab partners." Leo remarked, making me frown.

"Oh. I... did not know that. Chase, you ever play guitar?" Marcus asked, changing the subject.

"No, but I've always wanted to." Chase admitted, oh, my god, that would be so hot.

"Well, I'm a jammer as well. My rocking is only eclipsed by my rolling." Leo quickly added in.

"Leo, your mom said you played the clarinet for three weeks until you swallowed the reed," Chase stated, making me smile.

"I passed it." Leo snapped.

"Here, Chase. You want to give it a go?" Marcus offered.

"W-- yeah-- yeah. Sure. Why not?" My eyes widen in surprise. Chase then takes the electric guitar off Chase and then starts to play like he's been playing his whole entire life. I think I just died, people. Come to my funeral. I also know for a fact he would've cheated somehow with his bionics. Chase was literally on the floor, twirling around on it with the electric guitar. Chase then quickly hopped back up and walked over to me. "Uh... What do you know? Beginner's luck."


"So me and my dad moved around a lot. I was homeschooled for most of my life." Marcus tells us as we were now sitting in the cafeteria.

"No way! So were we! We are so similar! Do you have a third nipple too?" Adam asked, cocking his head.

"Anyway... That's a pretty sweet guitar, Marcus." Chase tells Marcus who smiled genuinely at Chase.

"Yeah, and you're a natural, bro! Guys! We should start a band!" Marcus grinned.

"Oh, that's a great idea!" Adam agreed. With some sticks, he starts to beat the table naturally. "But what would I play? Oh, I got it! No, I don't got it."

"I think you're gonna be our drummer, Adam." Marcus tells him and I giggle.

"Hmm. Interesting choice. I had been pondering the French horn." Adam said.

"What about you? What can you play?" Marcus asked, turning to me.

"Oh, I don't have any talent in that department," I tell him, brushing some hair off my shoulder.

"Riley, don't lie to our new friend." Adam states and I stare at him. "You're a great singer! I hear you sing all the time!"

"You sing?" Chase asked, turning to me.

"Her singing is the best, she could totally be our singer." Adam states.

"Oh, no, I don't want to join the... band." I tell them. "I really do suck at singing."

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