Chapter 1: 2234

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Narrator: "The year is 2234 a.d. the world is under the control of a group of six individuals running a super monopoly, the world's national supply of most metals is running dry, and the people are beginning to rebel. Society is beginning to crumble."

Six men in black suits are currently inside a conference room at  the peak of a 151 story skyscraper.

Man 1: "How is M.O.N.O. doing on his preparations for the Accelerator program?"

Man 2: "He is currently awaiting subjects in Sectors C through E."

Man 3: "What's going on with Sectors A, B, and F?"

Man 4: "We're experiencing minor resistance from the parents of the area."

Man 5: "They honestly can't expect to save those children."

Man 6: "This just shows what happens when you mess with OUR authority."

Man 3: "I wholeheartedly agree."

Something begins to beep.

Man 5: "Sectors A and F are secured!"

Man 1: "What about B?"

Man 4: "Looks like there is one still unaccounted for."


A young ten year old boy is walking home from what seems to be school. He has red hair, gray shirt, and teal shorts.

Boy: "(confused) Wh-What's going on?"

He watches as several dozen children are shoved into government controlled vehicles.

Boy: "(terrified) Th-This is r-really creeping me out..."

Two men walk up behind the boy and hoist him off the ground by his arms.

Man 1: "Scan his neck chip."

A small device is pulled out of the other man's back pocket and scans a weird mark on the back of the boy's neck.

Man 2: "Chase Arrows, ten years old, registered for Accelerator program."

Chase: "(struggling) Hey! Let me go!"

Chase is kicking and squirming as they pass by what seems to be his house, with his parents outside.

Chase: "(struggling) Mom! Dad!"

Chase's Father: "You know as fucking well as I do that this is just insane!"

Two more men are talking with Chase's parents.

Man 3: "If it's direct orders from the world government, we are all forced to comply."

Chase's Mother: "You're abducting children to experiment on them! How can you say that?!"

Chase is about to be tossed into a vehicle as they notice.

Chase's Mother: "Chase!"

Chase: "(crying) Mom! Dad!"

Chase is tossed and locked in.

Chase's Father: "Dammit!"

As Chase and all the other children are driven away, Chase's father punches a dent into his wall.

Chase's Father: "DAMMIT!!!!!"

Everyone is soon gone, only the helpless parents remain.

One hour later...

Man 5: "Sector B is ready."

All six men press a blue button.

Man 6: "M.O.N.O.! Initiate Project Accelerator!"

The face of an old man is projected on a monitor built into the table.

M.O.N.O.: "Right away."


Chase: "(struggling) What're going to do to me?! I wanna go home!"

Children get a little zap on the back of their necks before going limp.

Man: "We only need your bodies, that brat can disappear."

Chase soon follows as they're tossed onto a conveyor belt.

M.O.N.O.: "Scanning biological compatibility."

The bodies are being scanned and uploaded to the big shots.


Man 2: "(yawning) 62.07% for Blaster, 70.01% for Grapple..."

They slowly examine all of the children's compatibility rates until they get to the final one...

Man 3: "(shocked) What kind of sync rate is this?!"

The other men find that the last one has a 98.72% synchronization rate for Phase type.

Man 1: "Give me his record."

A file detailing Chase is pulled up.

Man 6: "His original name appears to be Chase Arrows of Sector B."


M.O.N.O.: "Activating  Shift Phase."

Slowly, all of the children's hair goes from normal to metallic gray with a few strands of their bangs becoming strange colors. Chase's turns cyan.


Man 1: "(smirking) We've acquired a real unit here."

Cameras show the forearms and shins of the children being replaced with robotic ones.

Man 5: "I believe someone as powerful as that deserves a nickname in our military."

They all look at his new hair.

Everyone: "The Cyan Blur."

One day later...

M.O.N.O.: "The Accelerator program was a success."

The children line up like an army, but the life in their eyes feels... robotic.

Man 6: "Then let our authority be known!"

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