Chapter 10: Hammerhead

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Two weeks later...

Boss: "Where are Lisa and Chase?"

The boss is roaming around the slightly more crowded center of base, with an Accelerator taller, bulkier, and short, metallic hair with a few scarlet strands of hair.

Accelerator: "I've got no ideas Arrows."

A member speaks up.

Demo Member: "They're inside the barracks."

Boss: "Thank you."

The two head for the barracks.

Ten minutes later...

Lisa: "But I can't get over the fact that we took down a Facility!"

Chase and Lisa are talking at their usual bunk.

Chase: "Yeah, but we've still got five to go."

???: "And they're only going to get tougher from here on out."

The boss and Accelerator have met up with Chase and Lisa.

Chase: "D-Dad!"

Accelerator: "The Cyan Blur is your kid?"

Boss: "I try not to brag."

Both heroes stand up straight.

Boss: "Well, I'm here to introduce you to your latest member, Hammerhead."

Lisa: "What?"

Hammerhead: "Listen, what this man said here is right."

Boss: "He's one of the Accelerators that managed to get away along with you two."

Chase: "There were others?"

Hammerhead looks to the side.

Hammerhead: "Five total, but the remaining two are having trouble getting used to the new standard."

Boss: "He escaped Sector F and is a Charge type."

Hammerhead takes a seat on a neighboring bunk.

Boss: "Tomorrow, report to Sector F via the teleporters and prepare for an attack on the Sector F Facility."

The boss walks away.

Lisa: "Wow, we're already going in again?"

Hammerhead: "We've got to stay on our toes."

Hammerhead lies down.

Chase: "What's your story?"

Hammerhead: "Old school bully, got knocked out by the government."

Lisa: "(in head) Why am I scared?"

Chase and Lisa take their bunks.

Chase: "Well, I hope we'll get along."

Hammerhead: "(sighing) Whatever."

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