Chapter 25: The Security Room

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Arciol is currently getting a large, metal plate lodged into his back as he cries in agony and his blood oozes onto the ground.

Arciol: "(in pain) Not much longer! I can't let something like this beat a deity like me!"

A little while later...

Everyone has arrived at the second level of the incinerator building, where they find a station that seems to control the electrical force field around the storage facility, but need a PIN in order to take care of it.

Julie: "Just what we needed."

Hammerhead steps up to the terminal.

Hammerhead: "This is everyone's PIN, 1234."

The PIN didn't work.

Lisa: "I-I don't think so..."

Chase finds a note that says 3rd= 3x4-7.

Chase: "You for a little scavenger hunt for these things?"

Chase shows them the note.

Julie: "Looks like this is the best lead we've got."

Chase slips the note into his pocket.

Lisa: "Hopefully this won't take forever."

Hammerhead: "Haven't you realized that these bastards never want to make things easy for us?"

They hurry out of the room in search of the remaining three notes.


The Accelerators are mowing through Demo at an unusually fast pace compared to the last three attacks. They won't be able to hold on much longer.

Demo: "What's going on? Their counterattacks were nothing like this in the reports!"

45 minutes later...

The heroes have returned with the remaining three notes. They say 1st=21/3, 2nd=3rd-1st, and 4th=12-1st+2nd.

Julie: "So lets bust out the arithmeti-"

Kyoya: "7293."

Everyone awkwardly stares at Kyoya.

Kyoya: "I-I'm just really good at math."

Chase heads over to the terminal.

Chase: "Let's see 7293."

Chase inputs the code, causing the barrier around the storage facility to deactivate.

Lisa: "Yes!"

Hammerhead: "Let's hurry and beat the shit out of this generator!"

Kyoya, Lisa, and Hammerhead go ahead, but something is rubbing Julie and Chase the wrong way.

Julie: "Why did they leave such an important code just lying around the facility?"

Chase: "Almost makes you think that they wanted us to slip through..."

They lock gazes.

Julie: "We'll find out when we deal with Arciol."

Chase: "Yeah, you're right."

They hurry up and catch up with the others...

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