Chapter 5: Demo

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A small jolt is sent into the back of the two Accelerators' necks.

Lisa: "Huh?"

A Demo member steps out from behind them.

Demo Member: "It's to prevent them from jacking into your nervous systems from a distance."

Chase and Lisa rub the backs of their necks.

Chase: "Thanks."

Boss: "Well, good to know that they've lost the deadliest weapon in their arsenal."

Chase's father turns around.

Boss: "Why don't you take them to the barracks?"

Demo Member: "Right away."

The member leads them out of the room.

Lisa: "O-Okay."

The Accelerators leave the room.

Demo Member: "Follow me."

They're being lead through the crowds, getting stares.

Crowd: "(whispering) Did we just get the Cyan Blur on our side?"

Chase: "Guess I really am quite the the Accelerator."

They people are in awe that Chase is on their side.

Lisa: "It... feels strange."

A large building labeled, "barracks," stands before them.

Demo Member: "You can choose whatever beds you want."

The member walks away.

Lisa: "O-Okay."

They step inside to find dozens of soldiers all over the bunk beds inside.

Soldier 1: "You..."

They look at Chase with disgust.

Chase: "Huh?"

Soldier 2: "I don't care if you're with us."

Soldier 3: "That body killed my closest friends without a second thought."

They all look away from Chase.

Lisa: "That shouldn't be surprising."

Chase and Lisa head to a bunk in the corner.

Chase: "Why?"

Lisa: "Well uh, I'm a second generation Accelerator."

Chase: "(darkly) So you saw what our bodies did?"

Lisa: "Y-Yeah, and it wasn't pretty."

Chase lies down on the bottom bunk.

Chase: "(in head) The only thing I saw for those four years was that day on repeat."

Lisa: "But we're going to end this Accelerator program!"

Chase: "Yeah..."

Chase falls asleep, thinking about everything that had transpired that day...

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