Chapter 8: To the Top

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The two open the door, only to be greeted by a horrid sight.

Lisa: "(gagging) Are these..."

A room full of discarded, child limbs rest on the bottom of the room, rotting with a sickening odor.

Chase: "(gagging) Where's the exit?"

Chase spots a staircase leading to the next floor.

Chase: "(gagging) Hurry!"

They head for the staircase.


Man: "Here."

The man who was heading for the Facility has arrived in front of an enormous generator.

Man: "The Cyan Blur is on his way..."


Lisa: "We're outside!"

The two have arrived at the top of the building and in front of a spiraling tower.

Chase: "The target has to be at the top."

The wind is abnormally strong.

Lisa: "I can't fly in this!"

They can see a spiraling pathway up.

Chase: "Then we're going on foot."

Accelerators are guarding the path and even more are fighting at the front.

Chase: "And we've got to go fast!"

Lisa: "Yeah!"

They begin the long trek up.


The man had just removed his left arm.

Man: "(in pain) MONO!"

MONO: "Yes Me. Basser?"

Basser's blood splatters on the walls.

Basser: "(in pain) Initiate the Accelerator program on my arm!"

MONO: "Right away."


Chase: "(struggling) I feel like a tornado just hit me!"

The winds get stronger as the two get higher and higher on the tower.

Lisa: "(struggling) Why is it so windy?"

Chase and Lisa have two Accelerators in their way.

Chase: "(struggling) Maybe some fan system in overdrive?"

Chase blocks an attack before slugging both in the gut and knocking them out.

Lisa: "(squinting) Huh?"

A path not too far ahead branches off and towards a sort of cooling facility.

Chase: "Come on!"

They head towards the building.


Basser: "(breathing heavily) Now..."

Basser is on the floor, his side enveloped in shadows.

Basser: "(breathing heavily) I'm waiting."


Chase: "Why would you need this?"

The two are inside a giant freezer, with a low hum echoing throughout the room.

Lisa: "There isn't any food or..."

Lisa notices a control module on the other side

Lisa: "That's what we need!"

Chase notices.

Chase: "Let's hurry! The attack force can't hold out much longer!"

They head over to the module.


Demo: "One last push!"

Demo is on their last legs.


Lisa: "Quick!"

The two have just taken out a small squad of Accelerators.

Chase: "(pulling switch) Let us not go flying off of a building!"

Chase pulls the switch as the hum goes away...

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