Chapter 32: Sector D, Diyad

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A little while later...

The heroes have just returned from the west wing and are about to unlock the central area.

Lisa: "The generator is somewhere in here."

Julie swipes the keycard, opening the door to find a room filled with what appear to be beta Accelerators, their mangled bodies lining the walls.

Julie: "Looks like we found where they tested out Accelerator neural attachments."

They step inside to see that there's a staircase leading down at the other end of the room.

Hammerhead: "Holy shit..."

Kyoya is beginning to hyperventilate.

Kyoya: "(hyperventilating) Th-They all died here?!"

Lisa places her hand on his shoulder.

Lisa: "We'd better hurry, or we'll lose more than all of these children."

Julie and Hammerhead head for the stairs.

Julie: "This way."

The other follow.


Diyad is getting ready to land at the front of Sector D.

Diyad: "They should still be stuck in the lobby if they got anywhere at all."

He leaps outside his helicopter with a slim, mechanical arm.

Diyad: "Watch and-"

He enters the building to find that the central area has been unlocked.

Diyad: "Wh-What the hell?!"

He panics as he heads straight for the stairs.

Diyad: "(panicking) I locked up all of the keycards! How the hell did they get through?!"

He heads down the stairs.

A short while later...

Everyone has arrived at a large door with three keycard slots.

Hammerhead: "Three slots?"

Julie, Kyoya, and Lisa pull out all three keycards.

Lisa: "We've got three keys."

They all insert their cards simultaneously, causing the door to begin creaking open with a loud rumble.

???: "Step away from the door!"

A wire giving off an obscene amount of electricity tries to electrocute Lisa from behind.

Kyoya: "H-Huh?!"

They turn around to meet an agitated Diyad ready to kill them in a heartbeat.

Julie: "Well look who's here!"

The wire was an extension from his arm, confirmed by the retraction of of the wire.

Diyad: "How did you get in here?! I locked up those keycards!"

Kyoya and Lisa head down the doorway.

Hammerhead: "Thank your inside man on that!"

The others dart ahead.

Diyad: "(pissed) Inside man?"

Diyad readies his wire again.

Diyad: "Like hell we'd let something like that slip!"

Diyad chases after them, swinging his whip around like a madman.

Lisa: "He's gaining on us!"

Julie draws her pistol.

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