Chapter 24: Burn it Away

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Later that day...

The group has met up with a small group of scouts a mile north of the facility, surrounded by jagged rocks.

Scout: "We'll issue the order when you're ready."

Julie: "If we weren't here, then we wouldn't be ready. Go ahead."

Scout: "Then head south and we'll go ahead and keep them busy."

Kyoya is trying to ease his breathing.

Hammerhead: "Scared?"

Kyoya: "N-No!"

Chase readies his plasma blades.

Chase: "Then let's hurry. The faster we move, the less sacrifices we have to make."

Chase, Hammerhead, and Julie go ahead while Kyoya is trying to shake off some shock.

Lisa: "We'll be okay Kyoya. Trust me."

Lisa goes ahead.

Kyoya: "I-I'll try!" 

Kyoya follows.

A few minutes later...

Everyone has arrived to find that the other scouts deployed here were waiting for them.

Demo: "All set?"

Hammerhead: "(smirking) Let's turn this place into dust."

The members attack at that command, immediately catching the attention of all of the Accelerators.

Julie: "We've got a security room to find."

The team circumvents the fight and slips into the front gate of the incinerator building.

Lisa: "We're in!"

However, a new wave of Accelerators catches them.

Hammerhead: "Let's hurry up and get inside!"

Kyoya's hand pops out of place.

Kyoya: "Out of our way!"

The hand shoots out and grabs one of the Accelerators before smashing it into the others, clearing a path ahead.

Chase: "Not bad at all."

Kyoya's hand retracts back to it's socket.

Kyoya: "(blushing) Th-Thanks."

They enter the incinerator, only to find themselves surrounded by the stench of burning flesh.

Julie: "(nauseous) This place fucking reeks."

They're standing atop a railing that overlooks several conveyor belts that are constantly tossing discarded limbs into a raging fire.

Chase: "(nauseous) This is beyond fucked."

Kyoya stares at the limbs as they fall into the fire.

Kyoya: "No one should ever go through that nightmare."

Everyone awkwardly stares at Kyoya.

Lisa: "O... kay?"

They can hear more Accelerators coming after them.

Chase: "We can talk about that later. We've got a security room to locate!"

Julie draws her pistol.

Julie: "Took the words right out of my mouth."

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