Chapter 31: The Body

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A short while later...

They've just unlocked the door to the west ward.

Hammerhead: "Let's see what's behind door number two."

They step inside, only to be met with glass windows on the inner wall.

Lisa: "What's going on in there?"

They glance over to the neighboring room to see a lifelike android almost indistinguishable from a human being created.

Kyoya: "A-A android?"

Julie: "But why? What could Diyad hope to gain from this?"

More Accelerators are catching wind of their presence.

Lisa: "I don't think we want to find out!"

Lisa charges up her punch.

Julie: "You're right, once we cut off the power production on that thing is going to cease!"

Lisa lunges down the hall, slamming several Accelerators unconscious in a single punch.

Hammerhead: "Don't go hogging all the fun!"

The others catch up to find more Accelerators filling the halls.

Kyoya: "Th-That's a lot..."

Hammerhead charges up a dash.

Hammerhead: "Get behind me! I'll make way!"

The others get behind him.

Julie: "We'll leave this to you then."

Hammerhead charges forward to make a path for the others to follow.


Chase's troops are starting to get exhausted from the sheer amount of defense they have to keep up.

Chase: "No kidding when they said the Accelerators got better."

Chase defends a few of the injured from a couple other Phase Types.

Chase: "I need the others to hurry up now! We can't go casualty free at this rate!"

Chase takes a hit to the arm.

Chase: "(in pain) Like hell I'm let any of you die on my watch."

Chase gets back on his feet.


Diyad is coughing up blood as his augmentation gets screwed into his flesh.

Diyad: "(coughing blood) Once this part wraps up, it's only the neural connection that remains."

He's twisting and writhing in pain, the only thing keeping him in place is the restraints.

Diyad: "(in pain) Almost there!"

Diayd is beginning to cry from the pain.

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