Chapter 6: Attack Sector B!

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Two weeks later...

Boss: "Now then!"

All soldiers in Demo are standing in an army formation.

Boss: "We've finally gotten a leg up on those imbeciles sitting at the top of their little skyscraper."

Chase: "(in head) We're about to go take down a Sector Facility."

Boss: "So we are to infiltrate the Facility here in Sector B with the help of two of our Accelerators."

The boss looks towards Chase and Lisa towards the front.

Boss: "Most of our force will be used to distract as much of the enemy Accelerators as possible. Then our Accelerators will infiltrate behind the scenes and destroy the Facility with minimal trouble."

Demo: "Sir, yes sir!"

Boss: "I have nothing else to say, but kick some ass!"

The organization cheers out of excitement as they head out for the Facility.

Lisa: "Chase!"

Chase and Lisa are nearly separated in the scuffle.

Chase: "Stay close."

Lisa grabs Chase's right hand.

Lisa: "O-Okay!"

All Demo soldiers march out

One hour later...

Demo Member: "Open fire!"

The main soldiers are fending off the Accelerators guarding the main entrance of the Facility.


Lisa: "(struggling) You're heavier than you look!"

Lisa is currently trying to fly Chase over a large wall blocking them from the Facility's inner sanctums.

Chase: "I'll take that as a compliment?"

They finally get over the wall, crashing into the floor.

Lisa: "(exhausted) I'm not doing that again anytime soon."

Security on the inside spots them.

Chase: "Well, you've got to fight now!"

Lisa's left elbow dislocates, absorbing air into the inside of the elbow.

Lisa: "We can't jeopardize the mission!"

Chase and Lisa begin combat with the few Accelerators inside.


Man 1: "I'm heading for Sector B."

One of the men is on his way to the Facility...

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