Chapter 36: Signal

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A short while later...

After taking care of some fairly nasty barricades to the staircase, they've arrived at the second floor of the facility.

Chase: "Finally made it."

The second floor seems to be in charge of maintenance and such for the facility. The rooms are all open and seemingly abandoned.

Hammerhead: "But this place is a dump!"

They step forward, glancing into the run down offices.

Julie: "Strange, you'd think that they would've left their Accelerators as active here as possible instead of an ambush."

Lisa: "Almost makes me think that Calius wasn't thinking straight."

???: "Or maybe Calius had nothing to do with it."

They all stop dead in their tracks.

Chase: "Who was that?"

A computer turns on in a neighboring room.

Computer: "I've been waiting for you all."

They step into the room and only see a blank monitor.

Hammerhead: "You the guy who helped us in Sector D?"

Computer: "Correct, and I've dispelled most of the Accelerators in Sector C so that Demo can hold them off until you take the final generator."

Kyoya: "O-Okay, th-that helps."

Computer: "But come to MONO Tower once you're finished here."

Lisa: "MONO Tower?"

Julie: "It's on an island off the east coast of Sector B. It's where MONO's core is, but without the generators it shouldn't be able to do anything."

Computer: "Just come. I'll be waiting for you."

The screen turns off.

Chase: "We'd better see what's going on. We should be able to reach the generator on the next floor."

Kyoya: "O-Okay..."

They head out.


Calius's limbs are being screwed into place.

MONO: "Not much longer..."

Calius is out cold.

MONO: "Until I'm free."

His augmentations are almost finished.


The Accelerators are keeping their ground, but the enemy is gaining traction.

Accelerators: "Come on! Not much longer!"

A helicopter shadow is drifting atop the battlefield...

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