Chapter 30: Laboratory

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A short while later...

They've disengaged the main lock on the front door and have just stepped inside.

Lisa: "Who left a keycard lying around?"

Julie: "My guess is the guy whoever left an option open to us from the start."

They're inside the main lobby.

Kyoya: "But I-I don't understand."

Hammerhead: "Even I'm on his side, who is on our side?"

Julie: "That's the strangest thing yet, unless we've got a spy in their ranks, but I doubt there wouldn't have been an announcement to at least me."

They find that the east wing is the only one they can access.

Lisa: "We need a better keycard to get to the west wing."

Hammerhead: "And an even better one to reach the generator."

They enter the halls of the east wing.

Kyoya: "Let's hope that our mysterious ally l-left the other keycards lying around too..."

Three Accelerators are up ahead.

Julie: "He'd better."

Julie quick draws her pistol and blasts all three of them to the ground in quick succession.

Lisa: "Whoa..."

Julie puts it away.

Julie: "These augments do have their perks."

They keep going on in search of the second keycard.


Chase: "I need all Grapple Types to grab any airborne enemies while the Booster Types get us the aerial advantage!"

Chase's leadership is keeping his Accelerators in check, very few even taking hits from his tactics.

Accelerators: "On it!"


Diyad is getting his left arm completely severed in excruciating pain.

Diyad: "(in pain) Basser, Fero, Emisall,and Arciol did it no problem!"

The arm is completely severed, it being dropped onto the floor like discarded garbage.

Diyad: "(in pain) I can take it! I have to take it!"

The robots start grabbing the pieces for his enhancement,

Diyad: "(in pain) No matter the cost, anything is worth keeping our hold over this domain we call Earth!"

His egotistical thoughts are what is keeping him going...

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