Chapter 9: Sector B, Basser

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The two step outside to not feel like they're falling into a pit.

Chase: "Let's get going!"

The two head for the passage leading to the tower.

One hour later...

Lisa: "Wh-What the?"

The two have arrived inside a room with nothing but a gigantic generator and the bodies of dead children lining the walls.

Chase: "N-No..."

???: "The ones who weren't compatible upon day one."

Basser steps out from the shadows, with his new arm in tow.

Lisa: "What?"

Basser: "These husks are the ones who had poor synchronization rates with Accelerators."

Chase readies his hands.

Chase: "So you killed them instead of giving them back?"

Basser: "Why would we give back something that'd help the enemy?"

Lisa begins to hover.

Lisa: "You people are sick!"

Basser's arm revs up with scarlet energy.

Basser: "Anything to keep the peasants in line."

Basser's fist enlarges by quadruple it's original size.

Chase: "We're going to take down your connection to Sector B and saved hundreds of Accelerators!"

Basser: "Then I, Basser, will put our most precious Accelerators in their place!"

Basser's fist detaches from his arm and sucker punches Chase in the gut.

Chase: "(coughing blood) Can't hit me when I'm not here."

Chase activates his Phase and vanishes.

Basser: "You act as though I didn't design Accelerators."

Lisa rockets towards Basser.

Lisa: "That doesn't change anything!"

Basser: "Watch."

Basser fires his fist behind it the second Chase reappears in front of the generator, grabbing him and throwing him into Lisa.

Chase: "(in pain) What the hell?!"

Both are sent crashing into the ground.

Basser: "My arm has the bonus ability to detect Phase users."

The heroes get back up.

Lisa: "This just became a lot more difficult."

Lisa's elbow dislocates.

Basser: "And by the way..."

Security footage of Demo lights up the floor beneath their feet, showing how they're running on fumes.

Chase: "Then we'd better finish this now!"

Lisa: "But he knows your every move."

Chase's eyes glow.

Chase: "Not yours."

Lisa: "(embarrassed) Huh?"

Basser: "You two done discussing?"

Basser's fist gets ready for another attack.

Chase: "All I need is for you to get in my head."

Chase vanishes.

Basser: "Are you insane?"

Lisa figures what Chase meant is to defend him from a single attack.

Lisa: "(in head) Where's he going to show up?"

Basser's eyes seem to be tracking Chase.

Lisa: "Now!"

Lisa darts in front of Chase the moment Basser lets his attack loose.

Basser: "Huh?!"

Lisa takes the hit as Chase vanishes again.

Basser: "You can't have her keep this up!"

Chase reappears at the generator, stabbing the central control module.

Basser: "No!"

The generator begins to explode and the tower crumbling beneath their feet.

Chase: "Get the Accelerators out of here Lisa!"

Lisa: "What're you going to do?"

They fall to the bottom of the tower.

Chase: "Taking this fucker down!"

Lisa hovers mid fall.

Lisa: "D-Don't die on us!"

Lisa flies out of a hole in the wall.

Basser: "You believe that you can kill me?"

Chase begins to use Phase.

Chase: "Yeah, you can hit me when you can barely control yourself!"

Chase is gone.

Basser: "Wait..."

Basser can't control himself in freefall since his metal arm forces his left side to the lower side of his body.

Basser: "DAMMIT!!!!"

Chase is right below Basser.

Chase: "Bet you can't wait to meet those other guys in hell."

Chase stabs Basser in the back of the neck before ripping a giant hole around the bottom half.

Basser: "(weakly) Always the Cyan Blur..."

Basser is dead and Chase is about to meet the ground level.

Chase: "Now I'm out of here!"

Chase vanishes before contact.

One hour later...

Lisa: "Come on!"

All of the dazed Accelerators and injured Demo soldiers are evacuating to the base.

Demo Member: "We're doing our best!"

Accelerator: "F-Freedom..."

They're almost all inside.

Lisa: "Chase..."

???: "That everyone?"

Chase is running after the group, clearly exhausted.

Lisa: "Ch-Chase!"

He's on the verge of collapsing.

Chase: "(exhausted) Basser is done for..."

Chase goes unconscious.

Lisa: "I-I'll report that after you get sent to the barracks!"

Lisa drags an unconscious Chase into base as it begins to close...

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